Best Doctor's Appointment. Ever.

Well, I don't think I've ever gone to a doctor's office and had nothing but pleasantry and good news. Until this week.

Thursday afternoon I had an appointment with Colin's surgeon. There has been a constant small pimple-like infection on his scar for nearly three weeks, and his lip was pulling up and had lost the beautiful shape it had immediately following the surgery.

We arrived at the office and Colin was at his most charming. Smiling, placid... he dazzled all the ladies at the front desk. We were then taken to an exam room where someone asked what the concern was. (Was she a doctor? An assistant? I really don't know. She never really introduced herself, but was wearing a lab coat so she must have some credentials, right? (Either that or she works for Clinique!!!) Anyway, she examined Colin's lip and I showed her a photo closeup of his face immediately after surgery so she could compare his lip then to now. She then said that Dr. Nini would be in to see us momentarily.

Dr. Nini came in and alleviated ALL my fears. He said that the infection is most likely a dissolving stitch that had not completely dissolved, and was nothing to worry about. In an adult he might take a hook and fish it out, but with an infant there's no need to upset him. The body will just gradually work it out on its own. As for the lip... which was my major concern...

Dr. Nini showed me in Colin's chart where he had his notes from our initial post-op exam. In the notes he specifically stated that he was extremely pleased with the symmetry of the lip. That's what he was looking for, and his goal with the surgery. With the Millard rotation advancement technique (which he used) it is a common "side effect" after surgery for the area of the scar to tighten up, which pulls up the lip. Over the next 6-12 months this should loosen back up and Dr. Nini fully expects the lip to return to the shape it was after the surgery. His only recommendation for me was, in addition to moisturizing the site (which I do 2-3 times per day with Burt's Bees Royal Jelly Eye Creme) I can now start gently massaging the area to help loosen it up.

Dr. Nini said that Colin might not like the massage, in which case I should do it while he is sleeping. But we're lucky. Colin LOVES to have his scar touched and massaged - he smiles and leans into it when we touch it. AWWWW!

So... all in all I think this qualifies for the best doctor's appointment. Ever.


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