Ups and Downs

Yesterday I was having an insane amount of fun making animal noises at Colin, and watching his reactions. He apparently thinks that piggy noises and dog-panting are the funniest. I tried repeatedly (along with meows, oinks, moos, quacks, etc.) and those were his favorites eliciting squeaks of laughter. We had such a great night. He was also very amused watching me dance around the kitchen while making dinner. Simple little thing!

But then... at 2AM... he woke up. Upset and hungry - about an hour earlier than usual. I groggily fed him, thinking that I was actually going to get a good block of sleep between then and 6AM. WRONG. At 4AM he woke up, shrieking, and would not be comforted. I am confident that he was not sleeping on a bed of nails/spikes/broken glass, but from his reaction you'd never know it. Feeding him wasn't going to work - he just screamed. The magical PJ-Peralta strut (walk-jiggle-sway-walk-jiggle-sway-walk-jiggle-sway) was the only thing that seemed to calm him. I figured there was no reason for the whole house to be up, so I took him downstairs and continued the magical walk until he calmed down enough to eat. There's 30 minutes of my life, gone. I sat down to feed him, and he finally deigned to eat... for over 20 minutes. The kid must have been STARVING! Meanwhile the dog curled up under my feet and the cat continuously nudged me demanding pets.

He thankfully nursed himself to sleep and stayed that way for a whole hour. WOO HOO. Then at 6AM when I got up the fussing began. I was trying to get ready for the day, but the moment my alarm went off he started to cry. I picked him up, calmed him, then put him down to get my day going (shower, feed pets, pack for the day, eat breakfast, etc.). The moment I put him down he started to cry which quickly tapered off to chatty-grumbling, followed by a moment of peace when I thought he was drifting off to sleep. The sleep ruse would last about 30 seconds followed by the cry-grumble-sleep pattern. Over and over.

Here's hoping tonight and tomorrow are a little less taxing. We have a follow up with the plastic surgeon tomorrow afternoon, and I need to be functional so I can ask the right questions (and perhaps retain some information).


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