Favorite Colin-isms

In the car on the way to school Colin likes to play DJ.  He usually just tells me what he likes or doesn't like, but today he asked for a specific song (Electric Car, by They Might Be Giants).  I loaded the song and started to sing along, but he immediately exclaimed "No, Mommy!  Don't sing my song, that's my song."  I stopped singing to see what he'd do, and (with his sunglasses on, looking out the window) he then began to sing along on his own!

On the way home Colin told me to put on his favorite song.  When I asked what his favorite song was he said "Seven" (also by TMBG).  I put it on and he again began to sing along!  When it was done he asked me to put on my favorite song... so I picked another song from the same disc (Nine Bowls of Soup) and we discussed the lyrics as the song played.

After dinner and bath time I agreed to let Colin watch a movie.  We turned the TV on and the channel was tuned to ESPN.  They were showing various highlights (nothing in particular - just general Sports Center news), I think it was a clip from the Purdue/Ohio State basketball game.  Colin's immediate comment: "That's Daddy's favorite!"

Apparently today is a day of favorites!


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