The Emperor's New Groove

This weekend I popped in a DVD to have something playing in the background as I (ineffectually) tried to get Colin to take a nap.  My thought was that Colin might get interested in the colors and agree to lay with me on the sofa.  Then because he would be in a horizontal position he might actually consider falling asleep.  And because I'm kinda selfish I picked one of my favorite animated films: The Emperor's New Groove.

While my overall attempt was utterly fruitless, something pretty cool happened.  Colin was standing in the middle of the living room floor. When the music started playing he turned to the TV, and started moving his arms up and down (elbows bent, hands in fists) "dancing" to the music.

Ever since then whenever he hears a song he likes he starts to dance to the music.  He did it in the car yesterday afternoon.  And in a store while Daddy was holding him.  And again this morning on the way to school (to the rousing tune of "Polly Wolly Doodle").  He is selective though - he won't dance to just anything.  He won't dance on command just because we try to entice him, and he won't do it if he doesn't like the song.

Apparently Colin, my spoiled little "emperor," has found his own personal groove!
Long live the groovy little dude!!!


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