Sunday Morning Insanity

4:30 AM
H gets up and leaves for an early round of golf so he can finish equally early and spend the bulk of the day with his family. I am up nursing the baby when his alarm goes off.

Bottomless pit baby is hungry again.

My visiting father wakes up and starts moving around. Sydney starts barking to alert me regarding the intruder. Ryan starts sobbing hysterically. As I am changing his diaper Colin is awakened by the crying and begins groggily asking "Where's Daddy?" to which I replied "at golf". Colin listened for a moment, heard my father making coffee, and gently corrected me: no, Daddy downstairs. He refused to listen to my silly fabrication about Daddy golfing, and put his hand gently over my mouth to stem the flow of insanity.

Holding the baby in my right arm and Colin in my left I somehow managed to get both boys back to sleep. Unfortunately because I was holding the baby I couldn't join them.

More noises from downstairs ensures that Colin is now fully awake. He takes me by the hand and leads me to the hallway where we proceed to "boop" down the stairs. He shows his grandfather his foot, then asks to watch "bunny" (his new favorite video: a collection of classic Bugs Bunny cartoons). I start the video and head back upstairs to feed the hysterically sobbing Ryan (AGAIN).

I love all my boys, but this is shaping up to be a loooooooong day.


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