
Colin has started playing with some of the neighborhood kids this summer, and is having a blast.

The twins Anushka* and Ason* are a month older than him, while Kushi* and Aiushi* are both five, but they all play together and have a great time throwing and kicking balls, chasing bubbles, and running races. Colin has even started talking about playing with his friends.

But today was a first.

I was on the sofa with baby Ryan when I looked up to see faces at our back door, peering inside. I opened the door to see what was up and Kushi asked, "Can Colin come out to play?"

I know this is completely normal, and is something kids have been doing for ages. But this was a first for us, and I just wasn't expecting it to start at the ripe old age of 2!!!

* spelling of names is entirely phonetic. They are wonderful kids but I have no clue how to spell their names!


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