No! No! No!

Today as I was getting dressed Colin was toddling around our bedroom in his pajamas, still a bit groggy but having a pretty good morning.

His pajamas are just a little long, so while they're fine for sleeping they come down over his feet when he's walking.  I was in front of my dresser pulling out a shirt, H was still laying in bed, and Colin decided to walk into our bathroom.  He made it about 2 feet in and then (because his flannel pajama bottoms were covering part of his foot) he slipped and fell.  It wasn't a big fall - he just basically tipped over onto his butt - but he was quite unhappy about it.

He began crying and came to Mama for a hug, pointing to his hip and saying "right there!" to let me know where it hurt.  I briefly consoled him, then put him down and sent him on his way so I could finish getting ready.

Colin promptly walked into the bathroom, squatted down right where he had fallen, and pointed agitatedly saying "Right there!" to show where everything had happened.  He then kept pointing at the floor, over and over, very seriously saying "No! No! No! Naughty! Naughty!"  Because, you see, the floor had hurt him and needed to be reprimanded.

H and I were laughing so hard, but trying to be quiet so we didn't interrupt his lecture.  After all, we had to make sure that the floor had learned its lesson and wouldn't misbehave like that again.

Colin, my darling, I'm sorry you fell but your little spill made sure that your parent's day started off with a laugh, for which we are both grateful.


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