Lady Makeup

On the (rare day) when he's awake, or on the weekends when I might be getting ready a little later, Colin is utterly fascinated watching me get ready in the morning.  It isn't that my routine is terribly involved, or that I do a lot of fancy fussing (I have neither the time nor the inclination for lots of makeup or intricate hairdos!).  But he loves to watch as I put on eye makeup, and likes to play with my makeup brushes.  He also occasionally will steal a container of eyeshadow (since I won't voluntarily let him play with them!).  He grabs whatever he can get his hands on then scurries out of the bathroom at top speed making a mad dash for his bedroom where he dives to the floor and throws it under his bed.

Why does he need to steal and ineffectively hide my makeup?  I have no idea.  He also likes to try it on - I've caught him mashing a brush into brown eyeshadow and then applying it copiously to his cheek/forehead, etc.

To try and give Colin some clarity about all of these processes I started calling it my "lady makeup" in the hope that he would understand that this isn't really stuff for a little boy.  The term stuck, but his interest hasn't waned.

His latest trick is a good one.  When we're getting in the van I let Colin climb in first and he fiddles around while I click Baby Ryan into his car-seat.  Colin used to make a beeline for the radio, changing the song or the radio station to something he prefers.  (At night I usually have it on 1st Wave... a satellite station that plays alternative 80s music.  Colin consistently changes it to Lithium - a station that plays 90s alternative and grunge.)  But his DJ days are a thing of the past.

Now Colin climbs into the front seat, flips into the driver's seat, reaches into my door, grabs my lipstick out of the makeup bag I have stashed there, and puts it on.  He then turns to me and says "Look!  I'm wearing lady makeup.  I'm a girl!" with a giant grin on his face (and a smattering of red on his lips).  He's actually surprisingly careful - he doesn't break or mash the lipstick, puts the lid back on it every time, and puts it right back in the case.

Only then will he get into his car seat, pleading with me "Mommy, leave my 'girl' on!"  He's so incredibly please with himself, grinning from ear to ear, that I often give in and let him wear it.

I can't wait until he's a big tough teenage guy and I can post this photo on our fridge when he has his friends over.  Can't wait!


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