Chef Colin

Today for his snack I gave Colin yogurt.  Nothing fancy, just vanilla yogurt with a bit of blackberry preserves mixed in.  He devoured about half of it, then stopped eating and pointed to the kitchen counter and said something.  I wasn't sure exactly what he was asking for though, so I asked him to repeat himself.  Twice.  Then I figured out what he wanted.

He was saying "I want spice" and pointing to our spice rack.  He wanted me to add cinnamon to his yogurt.  As soon as I did he mixed it into the remaining yogurt, said "better, Mommy.  Yummy." and finished it.

And you thought I was kidding about his proclivity for culinary arts?  Nope.

Not to say he isn't a regular little kid.  This morning he played tennis and baseball for a half hour, after running around like a maniac and playing on the playground.  But if I'm in the kitchen he can't resist.  Last night he sobbed until I let him help me marinate the meat that we'll be grilling tonight.  And he cried again when we were done.  I can't wait until he's old enough to actually cook - this is going to be fun!


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