The Case of the Missing Sweatshirt

The raging battle continues:

Son: Moooom! Where's my sweatshirt? I left it on the sofa last night. 

Me: I put it in the laundry.  (for the record, it was balled up and dirty) 

Son: WHAT? WHY??? OH! MY! GAWD! You mess EVERYTHING up!!! (insert stompy teenage raging)

Me: I told you there's a load of clean laundry in the dryer. Get another sweatshirt. 

Son: Why do you do this?? 

Me: Because I'm evil and my only goal is to make you miserable. Maybe you should hide your stuff if you don't want me want to take it. 

Son: You're right! I have to hide everything. 

Parenting is such fun.

Maybe he'll start "hiding" his clothes in his dresser...


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