Could it Be Love?

Last week was my birthday, and we went out to dinner with friends.  They very kindly brought not one but TWO amazing desserts, but because we were at a Mexican restaurant (which means chips, guacamole, appetizers, and a delicious but heavy dinner) everyone was pretty full by the end of the meal.

As such, we brought home both the Blueberry Crumble Tart (which was to die for) and a Tres Leches cake (which was moist and delicious).

Hari showed discipline and abstained from all desserts.  Ryan and I enjoyed the Tart (crumbly blueberry goodness... mmmmmm) and Colin was devoted to the Tres Leches.

SIDEBAR: Colin is notorious for his ability to eat vast quantities of food.  He comes by this honestly, as my father used to tell me stories about how he was a bottomless pit as a teenager., but it is still a little scary.  He can devour an entire pizza or an enormous block of cheese with crackers without a second thought, and one time literally ate half a cake in one sitting.

So after school, Colin cut himself an enormous slab of cake.  Roughly 1/4 of the entire cake, which he washed down with two pints of milk.  No, I'm not exaggerating.

Later that night, after he got home from Power School, Coline went back in to get another slab of cake.  As his insane mother, I played the "birthday" card and very unreasonably told him it was my cake, so he could only have a normal-human slice which I would cut for him.

Colin showed the expected teenage outrage, insisting he would cut his own piece and he could have as much as he wanted.

At this point, Hari intervened.  Not with a stern look, or verbal admonishment.  Noooo - he played a masterful dad trump card.  He started teasing Colin about wanting to spend time with his girlfriend, Tres Leches.  Did they need time alone?  Did he want some privacy with his special girl?  Was he thinking about smoochies with her?

I started laughing.  I couldn't help it.

Colin was horrified and outraged.

Hari doubled down and kept at it.  He was relentless.

I was laughing so hard I nearly peed my pants.  Literally.

Colin was now torn.  He wanted the cake, but now could not enjoy it because he didn't want to eat it in the same room with his obnoxious father, and if he tried to eat it in the kitchen Hari was going to continue to harass him about spending time alone with his special girl, Tres Leches.  It may have been the worst dilemma of his life.  If he walked away from the cake.... well... he was walking away from cake, but if he ate it then Hari was right and it meant Colin couldn't resist that little temptress Tres Leches.

To his credit, deep down I know Colin understood how ridiculous this was because there was a hint of a smirk on his face.  But he was also really annoyed and distressed and frustrated.  And super mad at his dad for messing up his snack.

In the end, Colin hunched over his darling Tres Leches at the kitchen counter, devoured her in about three bites, and went upstairs to sulk in his cave... I mean his bed.

I'll never be able to look at Tres Leches cake again without snickering.


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