The Drones of Winter
So over the past month there have been literal FLEETS of drones flying through the night sky in New Jersey, enough that we've made national news. At first we just heard about it, then this past weekend we started seeing them.
They're very low in the sky, and the boys and I have seen them flying literally over our house. They're unmistakably drones, and vary in size from "regular" drones that are a few feet in diameter, to some that are huge (roughly the size of a car). They seem to come out as soon as it gets dark, and must be around all night because when I get up to walk the dogs (before sunrise) they're still out and about.
There's none out during the day.
There were none out on the nights this past week when we had rain and visibility was poor.
In addition to the drones, one night I saw (and captured on video) a drone that had some sort of red dishcloud/trail behind it. And an ABC News crew caught a video of a glowing orb.
The FBI is supposedly investigating, but no one knows (or is admitting) what's going on. And, of course, crazy conspiracy theories abound including aliens, the government searching for a dirty bomb, the government doing something (?) and just not admitting to it, Amazon and/or Elon Musk up to something, or a social experiment (like the War of the Worlds broadcast in 1938... seeing what people would do when faced with a mystery).
There have now been drone sightings in other states, including one that got shot down over
The truth is, no one knows. There's no end of posts on social media with people sharing what they've seen... including some that must be edited (shooting lasers toward the ground, etc.). I can't believe the live video shot by ABC news is fake though, and that was the mystery orb which I find more perplexing than anything else.
With any luck, we'll find out that this was some sort of guerilla marketing scheme, or maybe UPS or Domino's Pizza not-so-secretly testing out a new delivery system. In the meantime, we'll keep our eyes on the skies!