One is fun, why not two?
And if you like two, you might as well have four,
And if you like four, why not a few
Why not a slew?


If you've got a little, why not a lot?
Add and bit and it'll get to be an oodle.
Every jot and tittle adds to the pot
Soon you've got the kit as well as the caboodle.

On the heels of his first tooth Colin decided an encore was in order, and we now have two.  That's right, count 'em people.  Two teeny, rather sharp little teeth are protruding from his lower gums.  Front and center, of course.  And again, last night we had a little boy who couldn't sleep and kindly shared his dental-inspired insomnia with his rather tired parents.  Eventually snuggling with daddy finally got the little guy back to sleep, so we all got a few blissful hours of shut-eye, but it was a pretty bumpy night.

Yes we tried a little infant Tylenol, which he almost instantly spit up.  *sigh*  So that provided virtually no relief.  Today I'm going to pick up a little Orajel which should help us ALL have a better night.  (fingers crossed)

Although I really shouldn't complain... aside from one sleepless night (and one generous diaper) per tooth he's pretty asymptomatic.  From the horror stories I've heard about changeling children during teething I know we're quite lucky by comparison.  Still... the sleepless nights do add up, especially two in one week.  If he keeps it up at this rate the little guy is going to have a mouthful of choppers before Thanksgiving!!!!

Today he's happy as a clam, and having had a nice long nap with his father he's ready to take on the world. We're off to run some errands and buy Colin's first pumpkin. Halloween is less than a week away - WOW!


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