Cuddle Duck, or Licky Duck?

Colin has been taking a much greater interest in books lately. I was reading him the "DOG" book, and he was enthralled. He couldn't get enough of the doggies! I went to read him another book but he wasn't interested... just kept turning his head to look (longingly) at the DOG book. So he won - I read the dog book again. That little guy just loves the furry creatures!

Then last week he decided to take his interest to the next level. I was reading "A Cuddle for Little Duck". This is an oversized board book, with beautiful bright images. And Colin decided he wanted to get to know Little Duck better. A lot better! Every time I turned the page he lunged forward at the book (or pulled it to his face) and licked Little Duck. And only Little Duck. He carefully licked the page exactly and only where the bright yellow little duck was. No tasting the bright green froggy, or the brilliant blue pond, or the vibrant purple butterfly. No lickies for Little Duck's other duckie friends either... only Little Duck.

I'm thrilled that he's really starting to enjoy when we read him stories.  And his interest in books makes his bookworm momma very, very happy, but I can't help but wonder... What next?!?!?


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