
Yesterday was pizza night, and I had just started the dough in our bread machine. Colin was playing on the floor in the living room with Hari (who was simultaneously watching the boy and the Notre Dame game). Everyone was happy until... WAAAAAAHHHHH!!! Colin started sobbing.

These weren't his usual "I'm frustrated/bored" cries, he sounded genuinely upset. Dad tried to comfort him but he was still upset. So I took him into the kitchen with me. The ingredients were just started in the bread machine, and I keep the top up at first so I can make sure the consistency is right (adding water or flour as needed). The dough was in a ball flying in circles around in the machine so I held Colin up to take a peek.

He was fascinated.

Any thoughts of whatever had upset him were gone, and he just wanted to look-look-look. It didn't hurt that the cycle changed speeds repeatedly. And it smelled really good (flour, garlic, basil, oregano... YUM!) I closed the top and went to walk away but Colin was arching and peering over my shoulder to see the breadmaker again. We went back, I reopened it, and... just as fascinating as before!

Someday if he becomes a world famous chef (or just a happy home cook!) I'll be able to tell him that he had his first exposure to cooking before he was 6 months old!


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