Like Mother Like Son?

Tonight the boys were playing. Ray had a plane and was pretending to save people from the pirate ship.  He saved one person, then Colin came over and proclaimed that the ship was sinking. 

Ryan came with his plane to save people, then said that he was saving the bad guys. 

Without a hitch or hesitation Colin said,"Don't save them. They're the bad guys... Let them die."

And I realized that Colin is truly mini me.  In all my heartless, merciless glory.  Yikes!  Please be assured, I may have these thoughts, but I swear I have never said or even hinted at anything of this sort in front if the boys. It must just be genetic. Ryan, on the other hand, ignored his brother and continued to save everyone. Even the bad guys.

Now which one should I encourage to go it medical school????


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