The Water Bearer

Tonight as I was getting dinner started Colin kept playing with the water in the dog's dish.  This is an ongoing battle we have.  Colin loves to play in the water, especially pretending to "wash" his hands.  He dips them into the dish, then scrubs his hands (like a surgeon).  Often leaving a giant puddle on the floor (and typically soaking his shirt and pants in the process).

When I see Colin heading for the water dish, if I see him, a mini race ensues.  He knows I'm coming after him.  I know he'll probably get there first.  And yet we act out the little drama each time.  With me almost always arriving at the dish as he is flicking his hands back and forth in the water.  If I don't notice (and he can sometimes be eerily quiet for a little guy) then it is usually the "splish-splash" that alerts me to the impending floor-wetting.  As I take his hands out of the water and walk him away to something hopefully more interesting, the grin on his face is unmistakable.  He likes the water, but also likes to push Mom's buttons.  (this does NOT bode well for my future)  Fortunately for him, this isn't really a big deal so I let him have his little victories from time to time.  There will be retribution when he's older... and has to get up at 6:00AM to walk the dog when he wants to sleep in.  Or when I put embarrassing baby photos on the fridge for all his friends to see.

But I digress.

Last night Colin decided to give Sydney a drink a few drops at a time, by dipping his hands in the water dish, then walking over to the dog and letting her lick the water off his hands.  He was running back and forth, and back and forth.  Over and over.  He must have made ten trips - maybe fifteen.  Each time running (rather unsteadily, although with complete confidence) back to the dish, then back to provide the much needed moisture to Sydney.

Sydney, of course, played along like the darling that she is.  Waiting patiently for Colin to return each time, then gently licking the water off his hands so he could make his next mad dash to the water dish.

Personally I think they're both a bit goofy, but I was smiling all the same so I guess I'm a member of the goofy club.  And proud of it!


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