Happy COVID Birthday
Yesterday was Colin's birthday.
Colin was kinda dejected all week, saying that he wasn’t having good “vibes” because he was having a Corona Birthday. So we pulled out all the stops.
Not to be left out of the excitement, the raspberry award goes to Ryan who kindly projectile vomited on his bed AND in the hallway after dinner.
And since these are unusual times, here's a quick memorial.
Colin was kinda dejected all week, saying that he wasn’t having good “vibes” because he was having a Corona Birthday. So we pulled out all the stops.
- A phone call from grandpa
- Balloons
- Presents
- Drive-by social distancing celebration with our amazing friends (even though it was about 45 degrees and raining!). There were probably 15-20 cars, signs, horns honking, shouting, and a barrage of silly string. Colin's friends, teammates, coaches, and even his TEACHER all showed up.
- Fortnite gaming with friends all afternoon
- Cookies
- Taco dinner
- Loot Llama cake
- Llama-rific Fortnite bedding
Not to be left out of the excitement, the raspberry award goes to Ryan who kindly projectile vomited on his bed AND in the hallway after dinner.
And since these are unusual times, here's a quick memorial.
- We are at ~42 days of social isolation. (This varies a bit by state, but we've been at it for a good six weeks.) You pretty much only leave the house to go for a run or a walk, which we're all doing. A LOT.
- The dollar is worth $ 5.32, the Euro $ 5.77 and the Pound $ 6.54.
- Gas is around $1.80 / gallon however nobody needs gas because there's no place to go. The price per barrel for gas futures was BELOW $0 last week.
- We've taken the KIA out four times in the past month: twice to the grocery store, once to the post office, and once to Target. The VW engine literally hasn't been started in over a month.
- Schools have been closed since mid-March and are teaching remotely on-line. This is having varying degress of success. Some schools have full-day interactive online lessons, others have one or two short meeting sessions a week. Some teachers are recording video lessons.
- This will continue for the rest of the school year.
- Zoom video-conference meetings are all the rage... and not just for school and work. People have Zoom happy hours, book clubs, etc. Anything to interact with someone outside your home.
- There are lines/tapes inside the stores to keep people 6 feet apart, and outside some stores as well since you now have to wait to get into a store.
- Bars and restaurants only for home delivery or pick-up.
- All state and county parks and beaches are not accessible to the public. In NJ they have been closed for a month.
- Playgrounds have fencing around them and signs reiterating that they are CLOSED. Tennis courts are locked and hoops have been removed from basketball courts. (Golf courses are apparently still open. I'm leaving that to Darwin to work out.)
- All sports competitions have been canceled.
- All festivals and entertainment events have been banned.
- Weddings, family celebrations and birthdays have been canceled. Funerals limited to 10-20 people.
- People are doing drive-by parades to celebrate birthdays! We just did this yesterday for Colin - it was amazing.
- Hugs and kisses are not given except by the people you live with.
- When you go for a walk and you see someone else on the street you cross the street to stay away from them. Even if they aren't creepy. Even if you know them well.
- The churches are closed or online.
- We have to stay away from each other 6 ft or more. Or as I saw in one graphic, you need llama distance!
- There is a shortage of masks and gloves in hospitals. Everyone knows what an N-95 mask is... even if you aren't in the medical community.
- There are fewer ventilators than there should be.
- People are wearing masks, some places even REQUIRE that you wear them to enter! People are even making their own masks for sale or donation to medical facilities!
- Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes and anything Lysol or Clorox is in short supply and limited to 1 per person.... IF you can even find them! I haven't seen TP or paper towels in a store in over a month, and you can't buy them online either.
- There are lines to get into the grocery store, and once you're inside many products are unavailable. Even if you find things there are limits on what you're allowed to buy. (I literally bought a 12-pound bulk bag of pasta noodles because I needed them and that way I was buying only one, so I could purchase the lasagna noodles I needed for Easter supper).
- Grocery stores are consistently sold out of flour and yeast - the world has rediscovered baking!
- When you get home from the grocery store you literally wipe down EVERY item with Clorox wipes (assuming you're lucky enough to have them). Then you disinfect the floor, your car, and the whole family takes showers.
- The kids have finally learned how to thoroughly and properly wash their hands. (No more 37-squirts of soap and then rinse it all off - they actually scrub!)
- The few stores that are open are closing early to disinfect everything. (24-hour stores are even closing by 9pm). They also have special hours where only the elderly and/or immune-compromised can shop. Walmart actually tiered the days of the week when you can shop based on your age.
- Store checkouts, pharmacies and even fast food drive-thru windows have added plexiglass between employee and customer. Have to reach around or under to pay!
- Doctor offices are holding well-care visits virtually. If you have to go in, you call from your car when you arrive and then wait for someone from the office to come and get you. No one uses a waiting room anymore. Dentists are all closed.
- You can't find isopropyl alcohol anywhere. I haven't seen it in stores since early March, and if you can find it online it is selling for $20+ per bottle (normal price is a couple of dollars).
- Canada and Mexico closed their borders to the US. Australia, USA and Europe have closed their borders.
- In Australia borders are closed in most states and anyone traveling has a 14-day quarantine period. There are fines in excess of $10,000 in some states for violating the current restrictions. All non-essential travel is banned.
- No one is traveling for leisure. Airports are empty. Tourism has the worst crisis in history.
- Nature is making a comeback. Smog in China is the lowest it has been in decades, the canals in Venice are so clear you can see fish and dolphins have returned, and wild animals are exploring residential areas because people are staying inside.
- Families are rediscovering puzzles, books, and game night. And yes, there's a whole lot of video games and Netflix going on too! Movie openings are delayed, and they are offering certain new releases straight to TV (average cost for that is about $20, where a normal movie rental is closer to $4). Other movies have delayed their premiere to autumn in the hope that things will be back to normal.
- There are conspiracy theories on both sides of the aisle. Some are saying that COVID is a hoax drummed up by the left-wing nuts who want governmental control. Others are blaming it on Bill Gates and/or the government who didn't do enough to stop it. My vote is that reality and truth probably lie somewhere in between, as they almost always do. Only time will tell.
One thing is for sure, we are living through history!