Catching up - Notes from June 2015

I was reviewing my blog history and found a post I had started TWO YEARS AGO (June 2015!) that I never posted.  Rather than delete it I figured I'd share it now... kinda funny

Hari Sharma: it's a damn shame....
Ryan: Daddy- it's a DAMN SHAME!!!
Hari: oh man...
Me: (shaking my head)
Hari: umm... Ryan, you can't say that word.
Ryan: But daddy, YOU said it first!
Hari got caught in a tornado and had to stay in the bank. I got a couple of texts then silence. I was so worried I stupidly told the boys what was going on, then tried to assure them he was fine. Colin kindle informed me that tornadoes chew everything up and spit it all out. Then Ryan, not wanting to be left out, decided we were never ever going to see daddy again. 

Thanks boys. 

Yes, he made it home safe and sound. 
Ryan's random musings as he is going to bed....

Why don't Grandma Lulu and Grandpa Big Man come to visit us. We always have to go to their house. Maybe they don't know where we live.

I want Daddy to live with Grandma Lulu and Grandpa Big Man. They're his real family. 

Why do airplanes fly in the night?


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