Up Hugs

Colin has a creation, the "up hug."  As with most truly great inventions it is a simple twist on a classic, existing concept.

An "up hug" is a hug where I am standing and pick him up.  I wrap my arms around him, and can literally do nothing else. He wraps arms and legs around me squeezing tight, rests his head on my shoulder and (if it is down) buries his face in my hair. 

I enjoy these Colin specialty hugs immensely, but recently they became even more dear to me.  Why?  Because I realized that he is getting big.  Bigger each day.  And the day is eventually going to come when he won't be asking me for "up hugs" any more. Or I won't be able to pick him up because his darned legs are growing so fast and he's just too doggone big.  And without realizing it... without fanfare or tears or any great proclamation....someday I will have my last "up hug" from my darling boy.

So I decided in that instant that no matter where or when, every time I am asked for an "up hug" I'm going to savor them. Every precious one. 


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