
Every night as the boys are heading up for bed I fill a 20-ounce sport bottle with their water for the night.  No, I'm not kidding.  TWENTY OUNCES.  And there are nights when they finish it all before lights-out!!  There have been near-battles when Colin drank all the water and Ryan was still thirsty, and we managed to calm things down before it came to blows, but only barely!

I kid.  A little.

But these boys are serious about their water.  And amazingly Colin has never had an issue with "holding it" until morning.

As I'm lazy there's just one bottle for the two of them, so they have to share.  Typically one will ask for the water, and after they drink they hand it off to Brother #2 who will have a drink, then they sling it back at me to set on the sideboard of the bed.

Last night, in the middle of the night, Ryan woke up thirsty and demanded water.  This isn't uncommon for either of them, and typically I just fumble for the bottle, listen to the slurps, then try and close the sport top and aim for the general right location to put it away.  But yesterday Ryan, for reasons I cannot fathom, decided (at 2AM, mind you!) that Colin also wanted a drink.

Me: Ryan, Colin's asleep.
Ryan: NO! Colin's turn.
Me: Ryan, Colin' can't drink.  He's asleep.
Ryan: NO!! Colin's TURN!
Me: Ryan, it's OK, good boy.  Colin is asleep.

Ryan proceeded to sob for the next few minutes, outraged by his mother's unreasonable cruelty in denying poor Colin the water that he so desperately wanted.  Thankfully he (accidentally) fell asleep after just a couple of minutes, but MAN was he ever unhappy.  Crazy kid!


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