
Last week we made our annual road trip back to Cleveland, and while the drive was a bit harrowing (a possum tried to use our car to commit suicide, torrential rain mixed with fog and lightning, and we didn't get into the hotel until 4AM) it was a really wonderful visit.  Here's the highlights:
  • First and foremost, both boys were incredibly good on the trip.  It is a 10+ hour drive (including meal and potty breaks) and there were very few tears or complaints once we got going.  Ryan did cry a bit, and Colin started the trip by asking "Are we in Ohio yet?" ever 90 seconds or so, but they fell asleep pretty quickly so while driving in the wee hours of the morning was tough on us, it was a lot easier for them.
  • Colin was again thrilled at the concept of being able to watch TV in bed.  We only have one TV in our house, so this is a novelty to him and watching Dinosaur Train while sitting in bed eating a light breakfast (I brought squeezies, bars and boxed milk).
  • Everyone utterly adored Ryan but his extra-special favorite person was John Paul.  One evening he walked into the kitchen and went right up to Xavier but when Xav turned around Ryan wasn't interested... both Xavier and John Paul were wearing green t-shirts, and as soon as Ryan saw it wasn't JP he turned around and walked away!
  • Colin tried out exhibitionism... one morning after his shower he walked over by the bed, and did a naked little dance while singing "Look at my booooty!  My naked buuuutt!  My big 'ole naked buuuuuutt!"  For extra emphasis he turned and stuck his (tiny little) butt out at us, while swinging his hips from side to side.  I managed to keep from falling off the bed laughing, but just barely!
  • The weather was obscenely hot (in excess of 100) nearly every day, so we spent most of the trip indoors but this didn't stop Colin and Ryan from reveling in their 10 trillion "cousins."  We did go swimming once (4th of July party at the Donnelly's) and both boys had a blast.
  • Grandpa Buzzy got some serious quantity time (so much better than "quality" time) with both boys, but insists that Ryan doesn't like him.  This is because Ryan cried and reached for me a number of times when my dad picked him up.  HOWEVER, what he didn't notice is that Ryan does that with everyone.  He will be happy with them unless he sees me, in which case he cries and lunges for me!
  • Colin gave a reprise of his original song: "Brendan and Charlie, Brendan and Charlie, Brendan and Charlie, Brendan and Charlie. Brendan and Charlie, Brendan and Charlie. Brendan and Charlie, Brendan and Charlie...." (sung loosely to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star).
  • Ryan started doing a trick we call "crabby hands" when he wants to be picked up.  Like most kids he reaches both arms up, extending them toward the person he wants to pick him up.  UNlike most kids, Ryan then opens and closes his hands (which looks like crab-claws!) to ensure we know what he wants!
  • Both boys stayed up waaaay too late every night, fighting sleep as only Sharma boys can!
  • I was also very proud of Colin.  With 20+ hours on the road, a whole lot of chaos, parties, kids, and all the excitement of playing with a ton of friends he still managed to avoid having any potty-related accidents.  Not one!  That's pretty impressive for a little guy who has been in big-boy pants for less than two months!
I'm sure there are a ton of other memories that I'll recall and want to add later, but my biggest comment about the whole trip is this:

I miss my friends.  I miss all of you, a LOT.  I miss seeing my father and lament him not getting to spend more time with the boys.  But my biggest regret about not living in Cleveland isn't for me.  I am sad that Colin and Ryan won't get to grow up in the company of the Peralta, Schmidt and Donnelly children.  Seeing my boys with these kids this over the past week really brought this home.  How incredibly kind, thoughtful, and loving they all are. 

Yes, they're normal kids too.  So-and-so whacked you-know-who over the head with a sardine, stole a toy from someone, whined too much, left their shoes in the middle of the floor, didn't eat their vegetables, etc.  But it is an amazing group of really quality people.  If we lived in Cleveland the boys would have a built-in pack of friends.  Intelligent, responsible and respectful older boys to look up to.  Cousins who could look after them for me at a moment's notice.  And a backup support system for our whole family that would be incredible, and which we won't ever have here.

It isn't that we don't have friends here in New Jersey.  We do, some of whom have helped us out at ridiculous times with nearly no notice (when I had food poisoning and we had to drop Colin off at 2AM, when I went into labor with Ryan, etc.).  They're great people, and Colin adores his friends here.  But the large extended family with lots of kids is a rare thing here, and we're lucky if we see them once a month.  Bottom line is that I know we're very lucky to have great friends in multiple states, and there are wonderful people everywhere, and our lives are currently here in NJ, it still makes me a little sad thinking that Colin and Ryan won't have daily interactions with such a wonderful group of kids.

To the entire Cleveland crew... we miss you!


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