
Business travel.  Two simple words, describing something many people do week in and week out, without giving it a second thought.  But whether you do it often, or infrequently, I think most people would agree that business travel is anything but fun and glamorous.

This week I proved that.  I had to take my first overnight trip since Ryan was born, and I wasn't looking forward to it at all.  I suppose I'm a bit spoiled, but I always mildly resent when I have to travel for work.  When my job bleeds over into my personal time.  I never feel like I have enough time with Hari and the boys, and to miss out on even one night just frustrates me.

And boy, I have to say, my trip this week was a doozie.  It started off with two weeks of frustration at work, trying to prepare for the meeting.  And all the while Ryan was cutting a new tooth so no one slept more than a few hours each night.  So by Monday I had a head cold, which by Thursday had turned my nose into a waterfall.  And Hari tori his Achilles this week, so he could barely walk, which wasn't going to make taking care of the boys any easier.

After waking up a little early and taking Syd for her morning walk I grabbed my Sudafed and a box of Kleenex and headed for the airport.  I got there in plenty of time to get through security and have a light breakfast (yogurt and some almonds), figuring I would grab a coffee and a light lunch when I landed since our meeting wasn't until 3:00.  I had no idea how the rest of the day would look.

We boarded the plane, and as soon as they closed the doors the pilot came on over the PA and informed us that air traffic control wasn't letting anyone out because there was a line of severe storms coming our way.  It ended up as a 2-hour delay, but finally I made it to Florida getting off the plane just before 2:00.  There was no time for my planned lunch, but at least I'd make it to the meeting without issue.  But when I got to the rental car counter they were experiencing technical problems and it took nearly half an hour to get the car.  I still had just enough time to get to the meeting - it was a 30 minute drive, and I had about 40 minutes... no problem.  Feeling dizzy from the ill-fated combination of head congestion and altitude I zoomed up I-95, making great time, then... brake lights.  Everywhere.  I came to a complete stop on the freeway... AAAAUUUUGGGHHH!!!!

The traffic broke up and I was somehow pulling in to the client at 2:55.  I went to the visitor parking spots, and they were all taken.  I went to drive to the additional parking on the side of the building and was nearly hit head-on by someone turning into the parking area at high speed (they must have been running late too!).  But somehow I made it in and the meeting went quite well.  We went to dinner (only 11 hours after my yogurt breakfast!) and then I headed back to the hotel to crash.

I checked my phone and saw some photos Hari sent from their evening (Colin eating a popsicle, Ryan munching on Cheerios, and one of the three of them), then tried to call to see how their night was going.  I got Hari's voicemail  and assumed he was either trying to get the boys to sleep or that he had fallen asleep while putting them down.  Either way, he was undoubtedly exhausted, so I sent him a message, took a quick shower, set my alarm for the morning and turned in for a blissful night of un-interrupted sleep.  Until...

In the pitch dark suddenly my phone rang. I flew across the room, instantly awake, but didn't see a number I recognized.  I answered anyway and... it was the airline, an automated message informing me that my flight had been canceled.  I checked the time... 5AM.  I immediately called their customer service line, got the automated system, and was informed that there was a 25 minute wait to talk to someone.  I put the phone on speaker and started getting dressed, gathered everything up, and (still listening to their bad "hold" music) left for the airport.  I figured that even if they couldn't help me on the phone I'd convince someone at the airport to get me on a flight back to NJ.  Eventually someone answered, I gave the woman my confirmation number and she offered to get me on a flight that would make a stop in Puerto Rico and would get in to NJ around 9PM.  If that was the best she could do I guess I'd take it... I asked if there were any other options, and she mentioned the possibility of getting me into a different NY airport (no good, I'd have to take a 2-hour cap ride back to the NY airport).  Then she said... could you fly out of West Palm instead?  There's an 11:00 flight today.  YES! YES! YES!  She asked to put me on hold, and 20 minutes later, after I was sure she had forgotten me and went out to breakfast or something, she finally came back and confirmed that she managed to get me the last seat out on the 11:00 flight.  HOORAY!  The flight was delayed a few hours as well, but somehow I managed to get back to NJ in time to pick the boys up from school.
I went into the infant room first.

Ryan was in one of the teacher's arms, laughing and playing with her.  I walked in and she said "Ryan, look!"  He turned and it was a perfect moment.  His entire face lit up, and he literally ran into my arms.  I picked him up and he curled his arms around me and held me tight in a perfect hug, placing his head on my shoulder.  He leaned back for a moment, smiling at me with all his new teeth, then put his head back on my shoulder and squeezed me tight again.

I gathered his things then headed across the hall to get Colin.  We walked in and Colin didn't see me... Ryan walked right up to him and he still didn't look up from his Legos.  I was inches from him, and then he noticed me.  I thought he might say my name, and possibly hug me, but Colin had to be his unique self.  He made a strange "snooork!" noise, then somehow sprang from a seated position straight into my arms, wrapping all four limbs around me.  I stood up with one boy in each arm, and took a moment to just enjoy having them back in my embrace.

We got into the car, drove home, and pulled in moments ahead of Hari.  After a quick kiss hello the four of us walked into the house together, and with Sydney wildly wagging at our feet our family was finally reunited.  Hari went upstairs to grab a shower (he had come home straight from a work outing - aka golf), and I stayed down with the boys.  I sat on the sofa, and Colin came over and started giving me raspberries on my stomach.  Ryan came over, trying desperately to climb onto the sofa (he can't quite make it yet) so I helped him up, and the two of them took turns lifting up my shirt and giving me raspberries on my belly.  We were all laughing and (in spite of my spit-covered tummy!) I have to admit I was blissfully happy.

The house was a mess, so I enlisted my helpers.  Colin started vacuuming while Ryan helped me to unload the dishwasher (no joke!), then I sent Colin upstairs with some dinosaurs to put away and I finished straightening up as the boys played in their room while Hair got dressed.

As I type this I have the (taped) London Olympics opening ceremony on in the background, both boys are asleep upstairs, Sydney has finally finished her bone and dozed off, and Hari is snoozing on the sofa.  And while my life is chaotic, and noisy, and I don't get much sleep, and I never get to eat a complete hot meal without jumping out of my chair 5 times, I have to say I am so incredibly happy to be home.  I couldn't ask for a better homecoming.

Thanks boys - I love you all!


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