He's very consistent. After his bath and his two stories (one of which is almost always Big Red Barn) he'll lay down, flop around for a while considering sleep, then pop back up and demand, "waa-wer?" I'll hand him his cup, and he'll take it in both hands, but that's not enough. Colin will sit expectantly on his haunches (holding but not drinking the water he just asked for) and say "Mama," then he'll wait. At this point I am expected to pick up my water from the nightstand, and drink. Once I've raised the water to my lips Colin then begins greedily guzzling his own beverage. Clearly he was dying of thirst, but he refused to drink until he was sure that his mother was also going to be properly hydrated!!!
I've heard of the concept of not drinking alone, but really thought it only applied to alcoholic beverages (and adults)! Wrong again, Monica.