Odds and Ends
Little things I want to remember:
- In spite of my best efforts to vacuum regularly, we still have tumbleweeds in the house. Dust bunnies. Clumps of animal fur that waft gently along the floor and collect in corners and under the sofa. When Colin sees one of these clumps he picks it up, shows me, and says "meow".
- Colin loves to help me unload the dishwasher. Not only does he hand me every piece of silverware (one at a time), he now also will hand me every dish and bowl on the bottom rack. Unfortunately he doesn't care if they're clean or dirty - every time I open the dishwasher he runs into the kitchen to help me unload.
- When I make a call on the car blue-tooth, all phone-sounds are transmitted through the stereo speakers. When Colin hears the sound of the phone ringing he holds his hand up to his ear (mimicking us using our cell phone) and says "hello!" If we're home and I make the mistake of sitting in the driveway for a minute to finish my conversation, he'll get bored. To let me know I need to wrap things up he will again hold his hand up to his hear and say "buh-bye! buh-bye!"
- Colin has an odd habit, which he's had for a long time. He likes to place his forehead against mine, then roll his head left and right (like shaking your head to say "no"). This is a form of snuggling for him, and he does it to me and H.
- He thinks the strangest things are fun. In addition to the dust bunnies (meow!) he spent most of an afternoon playing with a coat hanger. He also will watch an individual piece of fur or dust, floating in the air, as if it were the most fascinating thing ever.
- Colin is learning the sounds various animals make. He knows bear (ROAR!), dog and cat (woof! meow!), cow (mooooOOOOO!) and has recently picked up on sheep (ba-a-a-a!). But he's really come up with his own thing for pigs. When he sees a pig he scrunches up his nose, purses his lips (showing his teeth a bit), then snuffles in and out making the strangest noise. I have no idea why or how he came up with this but am quite amused by it.
- Sometimes when I visit him at school (lunchtime) he can't stand to see me leave. My departure is cause for tears and he's utterly distraught. Other days I'll be talking to him and suddenly he'll wave to me and say "buh-bye." Once he's dismissed me then he's happy to go on with the rest of his day - I can leave and there are no tears.
- Another parent at his school commented yesterday on how strong Colin is. They were amazed to see that he was standing on his tip-toes, pulling himself up by his arms to look out the window into the hallway. They also recalled how as a young infant he would do perfect planks. (This gentleman is father to twins - Michelle and Axle - who are about 2 months older than Colin.) He then asked if I was taking Colin to any kiddy classes at the gym! I didn't have the heart to tell him that over the weekend Colin pushed my chair in (with me in it!) at dinner one night. I may have to rename the kid Bam-Bam!
- Colin cannot stand to have the sun in his eyes. If we're in the car and a beam of sun shines into his face he begins to cry, holds his hands over his eyes, puts his head down, and proceeds to notify everyone within earshot that he is MISERABLE. Today on the way to school he finally "got" the concept of sunglasses. He was crying about the sun so I put on his sunglasses. He realized that they weren't just a toy - they were doing something. Something useful! He kept them on, and in spite of the bright sunny morning was quite happy for the remainder of the ride. Hooray!
- As with most toddlers, Colin has become extremely picky about food. He will love something one day and hate it the next. Foods that have been perennial favorites have migrated to the "yuck" list. But he's really gone over the top: if you somehow manage to get a bite of something he doesn't like into his mouth (or if he makes the mistake of trying something and then decides it is hateful) he will spit the it out. Then spit a little more, to get out any remaining particles. Then he scrapes his tongue with his hand to ensure that any residual microns of the offending food are gone for good. (His teacher saw this the other day and commented "Now I've truly seen it all.")
- Colin currently prefers to go down the slide backward. Belly down, feet first. Once he reaches the bottom of the slide he sits up, claps his hands and says "yeaaaaah," then climbs back up to do it over again. And again. And again.
- Every day when leaving school Colin has come up with a routine. He usually wants to drink any remaining milk he has left - if there isn't any he demands a snack. As we leave the room he'll be eating or drinking while walking down the hallway. He stops to make sure he stands on a small grate in the floor. Sometimes he'll run into the kitchen and look at the posters on the refreigerator doors. And since they've re-arranged the entryway he now stops, sits down on one of the kiddie-sized benches, and will relax enjoying his snack. I swear, he looks like he's waiting for a bus to come!
- Colin simply adores our pets. He loves to hold the leash when walking with Sydney, and has to say hello to Seamus every time when we come in the house. And at random moments throughout the day he'll walk over to Seamus, put his hand gently on the cat's side and say "niiiiiiiice." Then he'll put his head up against the kitty's belly to snuggle for a moment. Seamus is incredibly tolerant of the little guy's lovey displays. Sydney is more forward - she just frantically licks him into submission.
- He finally learned to go down the stairs on his own. He gets within a few feet of the steps, drops down on all fours, and backs up until his feet are hanging over the edge of the top stair. Then he proceeds to slide backward down the stairs until he hits the landing. He then backs around to turn the corner and slides down the rest of the way. There's no crawling or pausing - just a high-speed reverse commando crawl. My safety measure is to hold a belt loop on his pants and back down the stairs with him.
- I have a plethora of family photos on the walls next to our staircase, and Colin loves pointing out daddy, mama, woof! (Sydney), meow! (Seamus), and "baby" in the pictures. He doesn't seem to have any idea that the baby is him, and it doesn't matter that some of the photos are just a few weeks old. All pictures of him are categorized as baby. Period!
- In the mornings and evenings Colin knows the routine. When I take him into the bathroom he proclaims "teeef!" I hand him his toothbrush (which he promptly jams in his mouth) then put toothpaste on a second toothbrush and proceed to brush his teeth. Sometimes he sticks his tongue out so I can brush that too. When we're finished he says "aawww done" and hands his toothbrush back to me.