Blah Blah Blah, Yadda Yadda Yadda

Colin is becoming more and more verbal, and I figure it is only a matter of a few months before he becomes a relentlessly chatty, miniature version of his father.

He calls every little kid (or image of an infant) "baby!" Yesterday he tried to imitate his teacher and say "that's enough".  He even said the name of the newest student in his class, an adorable little girl named Ruby who just moved here from Houston.

He also recently started putting animal sounds together with the animals themselves.  He does a "woo-WOO" (aka woof-woof) for dogs, and a crystal clear "meooowwww" when he sees a cat or even just a cartoon cat on a cereal box.  He's pretty liberal with these sounds, and it doesn't have to be the actual live creature.  On a run last week we went past a house where a Boxer lives - this dog just LOVES barking at Sydney, and now Colin barks right back. (Sydney isn't interested... she just keeps walking and ignores his insane chatter!)  Colin now barks at the house even if the Boxer isn't there, just for good measure.

And every creature on TV is either a dog or cat.  We were watching a Discovery Channel special the other night, and both the gazelle and kangaroo received an enthusiastic "woo-WOO" from Colin, while a jaguar and raccoon were both meow-worthy.  He doesn't have the details quite right yet, but he knows he's seeing an animal

I was really excited this week, because I have unequivocal confirmation that he is putting the words together with the sounds.  I can ask him "What does a dog say?" and he'll woof.  "What does a cat say?" is meow-worthy.  He even knows what a cow says.... mmmoooooOOOO!  Not too bad!  Especially since he's never seen a cow in person.

My other thrill is that the videos I've been showing him are working.  I bought these DVDs called "Preschool Prep" which I'm amazed to say are really working.  I let him watch the videos only while he's eating breakfast or dinner, so he doesn't get a ton of TV time, but I can't believe his reaction.  First of all, he's mesmerized by the videos.  I put it in and he really wants to watch it!  And he's now saying the letters when they're on TV.  When the "s" is showing he's trying to say "eeehhhs".  The "z" gets an "eeee" from Colin.  He even tries for "w" (which is kinda tough as a three-syllable letter!).  He's really starting to learn his letters!  At 16 months old!  WHOOPEEE!!!  I also have videos for colors, numbers and shapes, but have been focusing mostly on the letters and it seems to be working.

Now I'm just waiting for the day in the not-so-distance when my husband Mr. Chatty and my son Chatty Jr. are babbling incessantly, blah-blah-blah, yadda-yadda-yadda.  When that happens I'll just sit back, smile, and enjoy the show knowing I'll never need to talk again.  We'll never have another moment of silence in the house either, but I've come to the realization that peace and quiet are very overrated.


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