Russia Invades Ukraine

If you think kids don't follow the news, you're wrong.  We might have the impression that they're only watching Fortnite videos on YouTube, or silly dance trends on TikTok, but the larger world impinges on us all.

Last night while we were sleeping Russia invaded the Ukraine.  This is taking place half way around the world, but the echoes resound.

Colin woke up, and must have checked his phone because the first thing he said to us today was "an Amreican was killed in the Ukraine today".  Ryan overheard and said "That's it, World War III has begun."

And while Ryan's statement is perhaps a bit dire, it shows that they're aware.  They know that Russia's act isn't really just Russia vs. Ukraine - it impacts us all.

I expect we're going to have a lot of discussions in the days to come.  They'll be brief and intermittent.  Hari and I won't get any warning, and the questions won't be easy.  They're going to see images of death and destruction on news websites.  Their friends will undoubtedly give them false information, because that's what kids do.

As an adult we're expected to be the voice of reason, and to have answers.  But sometimes we don't.  Sometimes we're just as worried.  Just as unsettled.  Wondering what is going to happen next, and how this is going to trickle down into our every day lives.

We've already been experiencing "supply chain issues" where everyday items simply aren't consistently available in stores.  Gas, food, and housing prices have been going up and up.  Will this double the price of gas?  Maybe - who knows?  Will we have further food shortages?  Possibly.  Will the US be drawn into a larger war with Russia?  I just don't know.

What I do know is that there are families and children in the Ukraine who are terrified right now.  Whose homes are gone, and who have lost family and friends.  My heart goes out to all of them.  And there's a part of me that is just outraged.  I feel like we should be better than this.  That things like this just shouldn't happen any more.  Supposedly civilized countries shouldn't invade one another.  But I guess I underestimate human greed and arrogance, and how far they're willing to go in pursuit of power.


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