A Day in COVID-Land, 03/27/2020

Below is my Facebook post from March 27, 2020.  As background, every social media outlet was filled to the brim with all these people posting all the fun, amazing, creative things they were doing.  Dancing.  Art.  Cleaning and reorganizing.  Getting rid of clutter.  Taking up an instrument.  Baking artisan breads and probably making their own freaking wine.  I'd had enough.  Here's what I wrote:


So everyone is posting all this lovely stuff. Showing their clean homes, working out, playing with family. Happy kids sitting at computers doing their schoolwork in pajamas. Parents jokingly frustrated at having to be a teacher while working from home. Everyone is doing crafts and projects. Home repair. Painting a room. Going for a run. Spending family time. Sanitizing their already immaculate houses.
I'm going to take a quick break from all that.
Because I just can't play this game anymore.
Have I baked bread? Yep.
Have we been taking long daily walks with the family? Definitely, and it is a treat.
Family dinner every night. I can't recall the last time this happened more than 1-2x/week.
Is it in concept great to have the family together? In CONCEPT yes... I love my three guys, but...
...but there's the flip side to all of this, and I'm willing to put myself out here and be honest.
My house is a mess. It is too people-y in here and the dust is piling up. The mountain of laundry I'm trying to get through right now would bring Sir Edmund Hillary to tears. I'm behind on vacuuming, and the clutter is making me twitchy. The kids' school papers all over the house and I can't get them to stay organized.
School from home doesn't work. Period. At least the way our school system is doing it. There's no formal instruction from any teachers. We have to go to a website and the kids are supposed to do their work from there. Packets and worksheets are what we get - maybe a link to a website to help them understand the lesson, and a "post" here and there to encourage them to keep up. Maybe a 2-minute video once or twice a day, but there's absolutely no direct interaction between teacher and student. For Ryan it is worse - we were keeping up with the work based on the assignments from the district website. Last night I discovered (2 weeks in) that the teacher is also posting some work on Class Dojo (different site/app), and OTHER work on Schoology (a 3rd location). And she doesn't need the students to do some of the assignments on the district website because they haven't taught any of that yet. At 10 and 8 my boys can't stay on task without a teacher, and
Hari Sharma
and I are both WFH full time.
Fortnite/YouTube: DEAR GOD - someone please blow these two up. My kids have zero discipline and they have to get assignments and submit assignments using a computer/phone. But nearly every time they go online I catch them watching some FREAKING YouTuber playing Fortnite. If I ever meet Ninja I'm going to kick him in the shins. Hard.
We are all stir crazy. My coping mechanism for stress is the gym, which is closed. The boys normally have 1-2 hours a day (minimum) of sports/activity. Now they might have a walk once a day, or a little workout if we can squeeze one in. It isn't enough.
The kids won't stop bickering. Or if they do it is to act like baboons on crack. Or they're eating or asleep. And for about 36 seconds every day, they need hugs and reassurance and tell me they love me.
My poor dog has been walked so much she was developing a rash from her harness.
Is "shelter in place" easier than having to be on the front line with bombs dropping overhead? Of course. And we're fortunate to live in a country where we have enough food and other supplies, and fresh water. And power and Netflix and books. But the crushing pressure of trying to work, be a mom/dad, be a teacher, figure out what your kids are supposed to be doing, all while keeping my house clean, hoping that the economy doesn't collapse and we all survive.
While seeing everyone out there with the appearance of making Martha Stewart look like a slacking waste... well, I just can't.
I dare any of you to share some reality.

Edit: Hari says it didn’t happen if you don’t share pics. My shame is now attached.

I got a lot of positive responses - apparently, I wasn't the only person who was fed up and seriously NOT Martha Stewart!


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