Election: One Year Later

Yesterday was election day (2017), and as usual I took the boys with me to the voting booth.  I think the highlight of the day was when Colin asked if I'd go to jail if I did not vote.  I guess I'm doing something right if the kid takes civic responsibility that seriously!!  After it was all over the state od NJ (and many others) elected a new governor, passed some measures, didn't pass other... all the usual election excitement.  I don't have much faith in ANY politicians, but getting rid of the obese buffoon that was in charge here can't be a bad thing.  Here's hoping things don't get worse.  Speaking of...

One year ago today was the 2016 presidential election.  And without going into politics, let's just say that the country was in an uproar and I personally felt there were absolutely NO good options.  No matter who I voted for I would have to betray my morals and beliefs in some way.

But I swallowed that bitter pill, and tried to make the best of things.  I decided to focus instead on the election as a learning process for the boys, since it was the first one they might actually remember (and the first time in their lives that there would be a president other than Mr. Obama).

I took them with me to vote.  The lines were long, and they had questions, but they were generally well behaved and managed the process as best they could.  Then we went home and waited to find out which buffoon was going to be moving into the White House.

I had printouts for the boys, and Hari explained the general process to them.  And to keep it marginally interesting we had each of the boys keeping score:

Colin had his worksheet:

Ryan was tracking as well:

And so the night wore on.  The blue states were decidedly in the lead, and it seemed a foregone conclusion that Hillary Clinton would be our next president.  But it took SOOOO long.  And eventually this happened:

Yep, the boys and I didn't quite make it.  We woke up the next morning to find out that our new president was Donald Trump.  

Three more years until we get to do this again.  And I've come to the realization that Elections are along 


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