Valentine's Week Festivities
So the past week...
Sunday Ryan crawled into bed with me, then threw up on me at 4AM. He later proclaimed he felt better so we let him eat breakfast... And 30 minutes later he vomited blueberry oatmeal all I er the bathroom. On the toilet, garbage can, shower curtain, floor, and side of the sink. (He actually did aim and got most of it in the sink, just too much and it happened too fast.)
Monday Ryan was home sick.
Tuesday I went to leave for work and Colin started vomiting. He spent the whole day either on the sofa or in the bathroom. (Bonus: he needs company while he's throwing up.) Ryan came home from school early feeling ill. Happy Valentines Day.
Wednesday I made it to work, kids went to school. This felt like a huge win, and I thought we were done.
Thursday I got sick. Working from home, chills, sick. Call from the school at 1:30 - Ryan sobbing with and earache. He was in so much pain he was begging me to take him to the doctor sooner. (I would have gone to an urgent care but that would inevitably have taken longer, and the kids would have been exposed to new plagues that I don't even want to think about.). We drove to the doctor and I was feeling so awful I took a nap in the parking lot for 15 minutes before we went in. Had to. Our doctor confirmed an ear infection and prescribed antibiotics. The drive home was awful. Rush hour traffic in NJ is bad enough but I was feverish, nauseous, and had chills. I have no idea how we made it home. Hari Sharma had to pick up the antibiotics on his way home from work, and came home to find the kids watching the tv and me passed out on the sofa. I slept 13 hours.
Friday the kids went to school. I managed to eat a couple of crackers and a banana, and walked
half a mile with the boys and dogs. Passed out for 10 hours. Date night was of course cancelled.
And today... I thought we were past it. Went to the gym, managed a decent workout, the boys had tennis... and we came home to this. Addie destroyed the cushions in her crate (and pooped all over outside the crate). And Sydney got into and shredded a 45 pound bag of dog food. So I spent most of an hour cleaning and deodorizing my bedroom, and cleaning up the food disaster. Thankfully it looked like Syd just made a mess so I wasn't too worried about her being ill from gorging herself. And Addie seems no worse for wear although she won't have the same cushy sleeping accommodations.
Is this week over yet?????