Reincarnation and Other Pondering

Recently Ryan looked up at me, out of the blue, and declared, "Mommy, I died a long time ago."

Me: WHAT???

Ryan: Well, before I was born.  I died a long time ago.  You know.  Before I was born.

I could literally feel the inferred "DUH" at my inability to keep up with what he was saying.

And that was that.  I felt like I saw the origin of the concept of reincarnation.  And it makes sense.  He needs some way to explain the fact that there was time before he was born.  I was here.  Hari was here.  Colin and Sydney were here.  Where was he?

I'm always amazed at how he comes at things from a different angle.  Different from Colin.  Different from what Hari or I might have thought of.  I can guarantee I wasn't thinking about the time before I was born when I was three.

And he really does think about things.  The other night as he was falling asleep I saw he was chewing on his fingernails.  Again.  (A lovely habit he recently picked up.  SIGH)  I went to take his fingers out of his mouth and he got really mad at me.  "Mommy, STOP IT.  I was thinking!"

What was he thinking?  What mysteries of the universe was he pondering?  I have no clue.  He wouldn't talk to me beyond his initial admonition.  Clearly he was busy.  So leave him alone, dag-nabbit.

Not to say that he isn't goofy.  Ryan can be as wack-a-doodle as they come, but if he's serious about something WATCH OUT!


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