End of Summer
As always the end of summer is coming fast and furious. September will be on us in the blink of an eye. And looking at the calendar earlier I realized that it is about time for me to start scheduling the monthly round of bills.
At which time I realized that when I schedule the next payment to our daycare I will only be paying for Ryan. Because OH-MY-LORD-IS-THIS-REALLY-HAPPENING Colin is starting Kindergarten in 2½ weeks.
Holy crap.
Seriously, is this really happening????
I still remember the day he was born, as if it were just yesterday. The overwhelming emotion of the first moment when I held my tiny son in my hands. And suddenly I have this boy running around my house, reading books and singing songs, with his own unique dance style and his ridiculously long legs... what the heck happened?
I realize, of course, that all of this was happening gradually. And I have technically had time to prepare (mentally and otherwise) for this event. And as a working mom I'm more prepared than others who have never had to send their children away for the whole day. I send him to "school" every day, and we're all used to the drill. So why is this hitting me so hard? Where is the overwhelming wave of emotion coming from?
I know part of it is the fact that with the daycare I had some level of control. I carefully selected an institution that I liked, from the owners and director to the curriculum. In just a few weeks I'm losing control. Colin will be attending the local public school, which is supposedly a decent institution. But I don't know the teachers, won't have the same level of contact and input, and that isn't sitting so well with me. I don't know what to expect, frankly don't have any trust in the school system, and am struggling with the whole issue of after-care and managing my work. It doesn't help that the school day is 9:00 - 3:15 so even if I could somehow alter my work schedule on one end Colin will have to attend either before-care or after-care. Which I envision as a chaotic Lord of the Flies situation with a giant glom of kids running around barely supervised.
As much as I know Hari has been counting down the days until we only have one child in daycare, and it will be a huge financial relief, all I can think is...
At which time I realized that when I schedule the next payment to our daycare I will only be paying for Ryan. Because OH-MY-LORD-IS-THIS-REALLY-HAPPENING Colin is starting Kindergarten in 2½ weeks.
Holy crap.
Seriously, is this really happening????
I still remember the day he was born, as if it were just yesterday. The overwhelming emotion of the first moment when I held my tiny son in my hands. And suddenly I have this boy running around my house, reading books and singing songs, with his own unique dance style and his ridiculously long legs... what the heck happened?
I realize, of course, that all of this was happening gradually. And I have technically had time to prepare (mentally and otherwise) for this event. And as a working mom I'm more prepared than others who have never had to send their children away for the whole day. I send him to "school" every day, and we're all used to the drill. So why is this hitting me so hard? Where is the overwhelming wave of emotion coming from?
As much as I know Hari has been counting down the days until we only have one child in daycare, and it will be a huge financial relief, all I can think is...