
The other morning I was in the bathroom putting on my "lady makeup" while Ryan sat on the toilet with his book (Big Red Barn, which he calls "Old MacDonald").  Colin was already fully dressed and ready so he was in the second bedroom watching Hari get ready.

Ryan notified me that he was done ("Mommy - I did BIG poopies!") so I went to help him dismount and get him cleaned up.  But when I came over he decided he wasn't done yet and he wanted to get back on the toilet and have another go.  No problem.  I went back to finish getting ready.

Over the next few minutes Ryan got on and off the potty three or four times, and as it was getting late I decided that he needed to be done - at least for now.  I wiped him off, removed his potty seat, and went to flush the toilet.


Ryan went into a complete, thermonuclear tantrum meltdown, sobbing hysterically that he was NOT DONE.  I ignored his protests as he'd been at it for about 15 minutes - as far as I'm concerned if you're not done by then you're not going!  I then began wrestling with him trying to get him into a pull-up and dressed while he sobbed.

In the other room the conversation went like this:

Hari: Colin - do you want to check on Ryan to see why he's crying?
Colin: No, I don't want any part of that drama.

That is an exact, direct quote.  He is FOUR YEARS OLD... where does he come up with lines like that???
It is days later and I'm still laughing every time I think about it


hari said…
True Story... Funny part is that he is the King of Drama!

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