
Ryan is very precise when addressing his family.  To ensure that there is absolutely no confusion when he is addressing us, he is always very formal.  We all have a first and last name, and he uses them.  Every time he speaks to (or about) us!

I am not Mommy.  I am Mommy Sharma, pronounced /mah-meee narma/
Colin is Colin Sharma, pronounced /lah-lin narma/
Sydney is Sydney Sharma, pronounced /aaahd-nee narma/
Hari is Daddy Sharma, pronounced /dah-dee narma/
     ...unless Ryan is having trouble getting his attention,
        in which case he becomes Hari Sharma /howwie narma/ typically with an extremely stern tone

He doesn't do this with anyone else.  Not with his teachers, or classmates, or grandparents.  He calls all other people by just one name, but with our family it is always, ALWAYS first and last name.  Even in the middle of the night, or if he's really upset, he doesn't just call for "MOMMY!"  The cry is for MOMMY NARMA!  If he needs water, "wa-wer, Mommy Narma" or skins his knee..."bee-boo, Mommy Narma."  If Colin does something he shouldn't... "NO tank-ooo, Lah-lin Narma!"  If we are in the car and call Hari on the phone, Ryan says hello over bluetooth... "Hewwo, Daddy Narma."

And yes, I've tried to get him to say our last name correctly.  The conversation goes something like this:

   Me: Ryan, say "shhhh"
   R: ssssssssshh
   Me: GOOD JOB!  Now say SHHHHHHarma.  SHHHHHarma.
   R: sssssssshhh... NARMA!

You just can't make this stuff up!


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