Potty Time!

Yes, we have potty action!  On March 10th Ryan, for the very first time, went to the bathroom on the potty!

WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hari just got back from a trip late the night before, and was in the bathroom on Sunday morning.  Colin and I were in his bedroom playing, and apparently Ryan walked into the bathroom with Hari.  The next thing I know, Hari is shouting and celebrating that Ryan went pee-pee on the potty.

Knowing how this kid is motivated, I broke all my rules and sprinted downstairs.  I rummaged through my "junk" drawer and found two Dum-Dum lollipops which I'd stolen from a gift bag Colin at a school party.  I ran back upstairs, and told Colin that if he wanted a lollipop he'd better celebrate and cheer for Ryan.  A cheering party ensued that would have made the national champion cheerleading squad proud, and I presented both boys with the first lollipops of their lives.

Since then we've had more success, including his first #2 on the potty which happened on St. Patrick's day.  And yes, I've broken down and am rewarding with M&Ms.  Every time Ryan goes potty he gets an M&M, and if Colin cheers sufficiently he gets one too!

Ryan is now going pretty consistently at home, and is my little Archie Bunker.  He'll sit on the potty, demands a book (I have a series of Ranger Rick mini magazines that he only gets to read on the potty), and will happily while away the time with his book until he has some action.  When he has done something he'll put his book down, shout to tell me, then flails his arms wildly (sloppy toddler sign language for "all done") and we wipe/flush and head over to wash hands.

I know he's young, but would be really, REALLY thrilled if by summer we could get him potty trained.  Sorry, Pampers, but I'm ready to end our relationship!  Or at least scale it waaaay back!

Fingers crossed!


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