Hop! Hop! Hop!

Last night, while getting the boys ready for bed, there was the usual flurry of activity.  Showers, brushing teeth, putting on pajamas, final drinks of water, etc.  During all this chaos, at one point we were all in the bathroom together.  Ryan was toodling around as I got Colin dried off from the shower, Hari walked in, and exclaimed...

"He's jumping!!!"

I looked, and sure enough. Ryan crouched down into a deep squat, then leapt (both feet) into the air.  Then a giant smile, and he did it again.  We all cheered, and Colin was so proud because we were talking about how he taught Ryan to jump.  (He did - they were practicing last week.)

This may seem silly, but it is a big coordination hurdle getting a kid to jump with both feet at the same time.  Hooray for my hopping little bunny!


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