So Proud!

Last night as I was getting the boys for bed I agreed (gave in) to Colin's negotiations for one episode of SpongeBob on the iPad.  But when it was time I made Colin sit back, and said I wanted to see if Ryan could do it.

The little guy grabbed the iPad, swiped to unlock, selected the right app group (OK - first he chose the Angry Birds group, he got the right group on the 2nd try), chose the Netflix app, then started the next episode of SpongeBob.

Colin watched over his brother's shoulder, clearly itching to "help" Ryan.  But as Ryan progressed through the steps Colin grew quiet, then said... "Mommy - he did it! Ryan, GOOD JOB!  You did it!  I'm so proud of you!"  He kissed Ryan on the cheek, then turned to me, "Mommy - aren't you proud of Ryan?!? He did it!!"

Yes, my darling.  I'm very proud of Ryan for figuring out the iPad.  But guess what?  I'm even more proud of you for being a wonderful, gushy, loving big brother.


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