Election Day
Both in school and at home Colin was exposed to the election. Not in the same way that poor girl was, who was featured in the viral YouTube video complaining that her momma wouldn't stop talking about "Bronco Bamma and Mitt Romney," but I wanted him to be aware that something big was happening. I spared him the torture of ad campaigns (thank heaven for the DVR!), but talked to him about voting, and the president.
Colin already knows about the presidents because last year for Christmas I got him a bunch of educational place mats, one of which has all of the presidents on it. He likes to look through it and ask about the various presidents. I tell him what I remember (which is somewhat embarrassing, as there are giant gaps in my knowledge), we laugh about their silly hair, or funny beards, and we talk about what all their names are. (Did you know, by the way, that Abraham Lincoln is the only president who had a beard but no mustache? There's plenty with both, some with a mustache only, but only Abe had a beard with no 'stache!)
Yesterday I told Colin that it was voting day, and after work I headed straight to the polls to vote before I got the boys. I've taken Colin with me before, but figured that it would be easier to do this solo than to try and take two wiggly boys with me as I waited in the long line to cast my vote. When he found out that I'd already gone poor Colin was extremely disappointed, telling me repeatedly "But Mommy, I wanted to go with you to vote!" Sorry buddy!
Hari and I stayed up and watched the election coverage, monitoring multiple news stations to see the different coverage, and also monitoring Face Book to see how people reacted (and who was going to get ugly, which of course happened).
Today at breakfast I told Colin that yesterday everyone voted, and President Obama was re-elected so he is going to be our president for another 4 years. Colin's response?
"Hopie (a classmate) wanted Obama to be president, but I wanted George Washington."
I nearly spit my coffee out trying to suppress my laughter. I tried explaining to Colin that George Washington can't be our president because he's not around anymore, that he's in Heaven, but Colin wasn't buying it. "NO, Mommy. I wanted George Washington! He IS around. I wanted GEORGE WASHINGTON!!!"
Considering the wave of zombie movies, books, podcasts and other media these days, and the mediocre candidates that have been offered by the two major parties, maybe Colin is right. How about a zombie candidate for 2016? George Washington... :-)
Colin already knows about the presidents because last year for Christmas I got him a bunch of educational place mats, one of which has all of the presidents on it. He likes to look through it and ask about the various presidents. I tell him what I remember (which is somewhat embarrassing, as there are giant gaps in my knowledge), we laugh about their silly hair, or funny beards, and we talk about what all their names are. (Did you know, by the way, that Abraham Lincoln is the only president who had a beard but no mustache? There's plenty with both, some with a mustache only, but only Abe had a beard with no 'stache!)
Yesterday I told Colin that it was voting day, and after work I headed straight to the polls to vote before I got the boys. I've taken Colin with me before, but figured that it would be easier to do this solo than to try and take two wiggly boys with me as I waited in the long line to cast my vote. When he found out that I'd already gone poor Colin was extremely disappointed, telling me repeatedly "But Mommy, I wanted to go with you to vote!" Sorry buddy!
Hari and I stayed up and watched the election coverage, monitoring multiple news stations to see the different coverage, and also monitoring Face Book to see how people reacted (and who was going to get ugly, which of course happened).
Today at breakfast I told Colin that yesterday everyone voted, and President Obama was re-elected so he is going to be our president for another 4 years. Colin's response?
"Hopie (a classmate) wanted Obama to be president, but I wanted George Washington."
I nearly spit my coffee out trying to suppress my laughter. I tried explaining to Colin that George Washington can't be our president because he's not around anymore, that he's in Heaven, but Colin wasn't buying it. "NO, Mommy. I wanted George Washington! He IS around. I wanted GEORGE WASHINGTON!!!"
Considering the wave of zombie movies, books, podcasts and other media these days, and the mediocre candidates that have been offered by the two major parties, maybe Colin is right. How about a zombie candidate for 2016? George Washington... :-)