
Tonight while on a walk I asked Colin to tell me a story.  He didn't seem to understand what I wanted, so I started it and we came up with a little tale together.  It went like this:

Me: Once upon a time there was a boy named...
C: Whaaaaaat?
Me: OK, once upon a time there was a boy named Wha-aawt. Wha-aawt was a little boy with green hair, and red eyes.  And one day, instead of going to school, Wha-aawt went to...
C: ...the beach!
Me: So Wha-aawt, the little boy with green hair and red eyes went to the beach.  And while he was at the beach he saw a...
C: a crab!!!
Me: Yes, a crab!  A big blue crab with (chomp-chomp!) claws.  And the crab was...
Me: The big blue crab was running as fast as he could.  Fast! Fast! Fast!  Wha-aawt asked the crab why he was running, and he said...
C: because it was going to rain!
Me: That's right, it was going to rain.  So Wha-aawt and the big blue crab ran-ran-ran as fast as they could.  They ran and ran until they got to the crab's house.  The big blue crab lived in a...
C: Shell!
Me: Yes, a giant shell.  And they got inside just before the rain started.
C: It rained and rained!
Me: Yes, it rained and rained and they stayed nice and dry inside.  And they played...
C: with a beachball!
Me: They played with the beachball all afternoon.

And that's where the story ended.  Wha-aawt, the little boy with green hair and red eyes, hanging with his new best friend the blue crab.  Playing with their beachball.

Who knows where story time will take us next time?


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