On the Way to School...

On our way to school each morning I'm amazed at what Colin comes up with.  Here are a few recent examples:

  • I want TWO red lights, Mommy!
    There are two intersections we go through where there is a double traffic light.
  • Red for stop, Mommy.  I wanna see another Red-for-stop.
    This makes Colin the only person in the car wishing for a red light, as I'm typically running late and in a hurry to get the kids to school and myself to work!
  • Green for go, Mommy.  I see one green light.
  • Sing it, Mommy.  Sing it clobb-a-ble.
    This one took me a while to figure out... I had a CD in of children's songs, and we were listening to the alphabet song, and through the course of the track they sing three versions of the alphabet song... a regular version, a cowboy version (slow and with a twang), and a classical version (operatic soprano).  Colin wanted me to sing along with the classical version in my ridiculous fake-soprano-opera voice - which he remembered from when I did it a week or two back!).  This is extra ridiculous because I'm an alto (and even sang Tenor for a few years in high school and college)... me trying to do anything soprano, especially in the morning, is high comedy.  Take my word for it!
  • I don't want that song, Mommy.
    He's very particular about music, especially in the mornings, and will direct what we listen to.  Sometimes he wants classical, often he wants "Colin's music" (children's songs), sometimes alternative 80s or 90s (he's a big Green Day fan - has loved them since before he was born!), sometimes blues... and other days he informs me he wants it quiet.  Go figure!
  • Mommy, I see the moon but its not dark out.  It isn't! It's BIIIIG, Mommy. The moon is big!
    Recently the moon was out in the morning and was pretty low so it looked bigger than usual. Colin LOVES the moon - driving home or anywhere at night he is constantly looking for it out his window and out the front window.  And while I know I'm a doting mother I thought it pretty impressive that he was thinking about the moon and how it should be out at night and appeared larger than when it is way up in the sky.
  • Baby Ryan... he's SLEEPING
    I hear this one a lot.  A LOT!  (Ryan takes after me, and falls asleep almost instantly in the car.)
  • Too bright for me, Mommy.  Too bright!Any time the sun shines in his eyes Colin is miserable and will throw both hands (and/or arms) in front of his face.  I swear the kid may be part vampire... but, for the record, not a stupid sparkly vampire.  If Colin were a vampire he'd be a good, old-fashioned, night-loving, blood-sucking Nosferatu vampire.
And one deletion from our morning routine.  Colin used to say goodbye every morning (Goodbye Daddy! Goodbye Sydney! Goodbye Seamus!), repeating his salutation as we pulled out of the driveway, drove down the street, and sometimes half way to school.  I've noticed that since we lost Seamus, however, the extended greetings seem to have stopped.  I don't know if it is coincidental and Colin just hit a certain age where he doesn't feel the need to do that any longer, if it is because we have Ryan now, or if it is intentional because Seamus is gone, but interesting either way.

I can only imagine what tomorrow's adventure will bring...


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