A Born Outdoorsman

Ryan just loves being outside.  It doesn't matter how mad he is, or how hard he's crying, or why.  If you take him out of the house he suddenly stops crying, and either becomes utterly placid or extremely alert.  Either way he's happy, and that is a really great card for me to have in my pocket.

On Monday he wasn't feeling great after his pediatrician appointment, and was crying up a storm.  I had tried everything and he just wasn't interested - mom was no comfort, he wasn't interested in food... he was just miserable.  But I took him outside and his hysterical crying instantly ceased.  It was like magic!

This has been really great so far, but I'm wondering how he'll react this winter.  Is the magic only from the sunny warmth of the NJ summer?  If so I'm in trouble.  But if he adores autumn and winter as well then I'll be one very happy, lucky lady.  Fingers crossed, I might have a born outdoors-man!


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