LN2 - Still Pending

Just a quick check-in lest anyone thing I've forgotten about the impending arrival of our second son.  Little Number Two is still incubating, due to arrive in about 2 weeks.  In the meantime he seems to have decided that making my stomach look like something out of an Aliens movie is his favorite pass-time.  I swear, I keep waiting for someone at work to complain in a meeting that my abdominal undulations are distracting them.  You can literally see him moving around under my shirt.

For me the whole process is simultaneously fascinating, distracting, and in some ways just bizarre.  It is such a strange concept that there is a person, with his own ideas, living inside me right now.  Just hanging out and biding his time before D-day.  And that in just a couple of weeks he'll be in my arms, beginning to make his way in the world.

Oh - and in case anyone is wondering we still haven't chosen a name yet.  There are a number of possibilities that we have in the proverbial hopper, but I think we're going to have to see the little guy before we can come to a decision.  With Colin I had no idea, but the moment I saw him I just knew.  There was only one word in my mind, almost as if he was introducing himself... let's hope that LN2 does the same, because right now I have no clue what this kid's name will be.  I suppose we'll figure it out eventually though!

What is most amusing to me is H's behavior.  He's business as usual in some respects and then over-solicitous moments later.  What really cracks me up is how he has gone into lock-down mode.  He worries about me going to the gym, was concerned I was "overdoing" it when I was in the garage the other day breaking down some boxes, doesn't want me to go on any hikes (in case I go into labor when we're a mile or two out), doesn't want to make any plans, and won't even consider driving anywhere more than 30 minutes from home!! I'd balk but in a way I understand his perspective.  With Colin we didn't have much warning.  I finished Combat class at 10:00, realized I was in labor around 11:30AM, we hit the hospital doors at 2:35PM and Colin arrived at 3:11 that same afternoon.  Since everyone (our doctor included!) says that the second time around will be faster I expect we're not going to have a lot of time to react.  Which is a serious consideration because this time we have to take care of Colin as well, either dropping him off on our way to the hospital or (if we're really in a pinch!) having someone meet us there to pick him up.  So when things start happening we're going to be in overdrive... or more accurately H will be in overdrive.  I expect I'll be a little preoccupied with something else, and will likely not be much help!

We have our last ultrasound scheduled for this Tuesday, and after that I figure it could really be an "any day now" situation.  I have my bag packed, have a bag partially packed for Colin (in case he has to be picked up from school or dropped off in the middle of the night!), and this afternoon I need to get everything else ready.  This means I need to finish packing for Colin, get Sydney's bag packed, and get things ready here for the impending arrival.  Which means dismantling the crib, setting up the bassinet, and re-washing all of the newborn clothes (they've been in the garage for about 2 years now).  There's about 1,000 other things that I would like to get done around the house but have a feeling that just isn't going to happen, so I'm trying to make peace with that as best I can.

And for those of you who are in the baby pool, here's where you all stand:

Barb Rose: 05/13 (7 lbs, 2 oz) - MISSED
Giovanna Lella: 05/14 (7 lbs, 2 oz) - MISSED
Laura Schmidt: 05/21 (7 lbs, 1 oz)
Liz Dillon: 05/21 (7 lbs, 6 oz)
Me: 5/22 (7 lbs, 12 oz)
Nora Peralta: 5/22 (7 lbs, 2 oz)
Nayna Jhaveri: 5/24 (7 lbs, 7 oz)
Salem Ghezali: 5/27 (6 lbs, 5 oz)
Lulu Sharma: 5/28 (7 lbs, 4 oz)
Hari Sharma: 5/29 (7 lbs, 2 oz)
Sarah Lynn Wilber: 5/31 (7 lbs, 0 oz)
Eileen Smole: 6/1 (7 lbs, 4 oz)
Lynn Brinkman: 6/1 (7 lbs, 8 oz)

Good luck to everyone!


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