My Crooner

Just recently Colin has started singing.  He has always loved music, but now he's actually trying to sing along with the words, or at least periodically interject!

A week or so back he woke up in the middle of the night and (after a little deciphering) I realized he was singing Happy Birthday. 

Since December he has had great fun wildly shaking a couple of jingle bells if H and/or I were to sing Jingle Bells, but now he's starting to chime in along with us.

This past weekend we were driving through the pouring rain, and heard Colin quietly saying something in the back seat.  H turned around and we discovered that he was singing (and signing!) Itsy Bitsy Spider to himself.  We were so amused the next thing you know the entire family was lustily belting out the tune about the resilient little arachnid!

Last night as I was strapping him into his car-seat he kept saying ee-yai-oh, and while I was a little slow on the pickup, I eventually figured out that he wanted me to start singing Old MacDonald Had a Farm.  As I started each verse he would shout out an animal name (cow!  duck!  pig!) and then would chime in with the appropriate animal noise (moo!  quack!  snort-snort!).

Even songs where he can't catch all the words are fair game now.  Today I on the way to school (Susie Tallman) and he started toot-tooting along with the CD when I've Been Working On the Railroad came on.  And he's amazingly good at timing his interjections...

Oh - and when a song he likes ends he claps and cheers, but not until he's sure the last note has played.  He's picky, and doesn't applaud everything, but when he likes a song he's very careful to make sure it is really over, then... YEAAAAH!!!! clap-clap-clap-clap!

It is so much fun to see him developing and growing like this... amazing how the little things provide me (and H!) with such intense amusement!


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