It's A....

I'll warn you... I'm not going tell you yet, but I know.
NYAH!  (I'm sticking my tongue out at you.)  You'll have to be patient for a minute or two.

Today we had the 20-week ultrasound for Little Number Two, which is both the gross anatomy check (fingers, toes, heart, brain, kidneys, etc.) as well as the day when you can find out if the child is a boy or girl.

It has been an extremely challenging week (both at work and in general), and I have been much more stressed than usual.  Or more accurately I've had more difficulty than usual dealing with the various stresses that life throws our way.  I was thinking about it and realized that I have been pretty worried about this appointment.  It was at the 20-week ultrasound that we found out about Colin's cleft lip, and while everything was ultimately fine, and I wouldn't change a hair on his head, it still isn't the kind of news you want to get.  After Colin I know I can handle whatever comes our way, but I was really hoping for a simple "Your kid looks to be healthy, all the body parts are in the right place, the vital organs are present and accounted for, and you're having a ___."  Then we could walk out of the hospital with a clear conscience, have a small celebration, and head on our merry way.

My day at work this morning was extra crazy with a deadline that I was behind on, I was having to make travel arrangements for an overnight business trip next week, and there's other Peyton Place insanity which I don't even want to think about.  But eventually I left and... got to go take care of a slow leak in a tire on the car.  I finally got home, grabbed a quick shower, then headed to meet H at the hospital.

We went on in, and walked back to the exam room.  H was in rare form, making everyone in the hospital laugh at his insanity, which was great because it also helped alleviate some of my stress.  (He's great like that.)  Just before the tech got started H asked me... "So, what do you think? Boy or girl?  Naming rights are on the line!"  I thought for a moment and replied, "Well, last time I thought it was a girl all along, and at the last second changed my mind and bet on us having a boy, and I was right.  So I'll say the same: a boy."  H willingly took the other side of the bet, and so we began.

As the tech was starting to peek around she asked (just to be sure) if we wanted to know the child's gender.  We reiterated that yes, we wanted to know, and she used the mouse to show on the monitor, very clearly, what she called the child's "third leg."  We're having another boy!

She took a bunch more images, looking at all the major organs, and checking the face to ensure there was no cleft (there isn't).  She estimated the baby's weight at 12 ounces (normal range is 10-12, so this kiddo is on the larger size), said our projected due date is spot on, and the baby's heartrate was a very normal 131.

After a while, though, it started to feel like we had been in there a long time.  Too long.  I wasn't positive since they don't have a clock in the room, but it just seemed like it.  And sure enough, the ultrasound tech eventually told us that she was having trouble getting images of the heart, and was going to have the doctor come in.  At the sound of those words I nearly vomited.  That's what they did the last time... had the doctor come in, then the doctor let us know about Colin's cleft.  Only this was worse - this wasn't cosmetic, it was his heart.  That's not a redundant organ.  Nothing cosmetic there.  H and I both got very quiet, and I know his thoughts were in the same place as mine.

The doctor came in moments later and started asking questions.  First just the normal stuff (due date, how have I been feeling), then he asked (sorry gentlemen) if I was having any cramping or bleeding, which I haven't but is really, really bad stuff if it happens.  I wondered why he was asking that... was there something showing that made him think the baby was at risk?!?  He then started trying to get more images of the heart, and kept asking me to move around (roll to the left, on your back, roll to the right, back to the left).  I was waiting for him to ask me to stand on one leg and pat my head while rubbing my belly!  Then he had me take a walk around the hospital to see if we could get the baby to move around so he could get a better image.

H came with me, and was trying hard to be positive but it was a very stressful walk.  Probably the least pleasant stroll I've ever taken with him, and I love taking walks.  We got back to the exam room and the flip-flopping started again along with the doctor periodically poking around at my belly trying to get our uncooperative #2 to move.

I finally couldn't take it any more and asked the doctor flat out: "Are you seeing anything at all of concern with the heart?"  He then informed me that they had 4 images of the heart so far and everything looked normal, but for the ultrasound to be considered complete they are required to have 7 specific views of the heart.  Because of the position the baby was in they couldn't get the other three images.  He then proceeded to show us the child's collar bone, and how the shoulder blade was basically in the way so he couldn't get a clear image of the heart.

We left the hospital and, just like with Colin, it wasn't all wine and roses.  I was worried sick.  I kept thinking "His heart.  They want us to come back for more images of his heart.  Is this really happening?"  But between my wise husband, who focused on the positive (the four images they got were all normal) and a very wise friend who reminded me that doctor's will NEVER tell you that everything looks good because they're always concerned about potential liability, I finally got my head back on straight.  And realized that this isn't about my child, or something being wrong with him.  It is about what the stated regulations are for the ultrasound.

They weren't seeing a defective heart, with missing chambers or malformed valves.  Everything they saw was JUST FINE.  This is all about a technicality.  Nothing is wrong except the regulation that for the ultrasound to be "officially" complete they needed three more views.  So we have to come back in two weeks for another ultrasound, which the neonatologist said is actually better, because the best images of the heart are available at 22-24 weeks.

So instead of spending the next two weeks worrying and obsessing about potential problems, I'm going to revel in the fact that in two weeks I'll have another opportunity to peek in on Little Number 2.  To see him moving around, look at his heart and everything else, and perhaps get a better peek at his face (since he adamantly kept his arm raised in an imitation of Rodin's The Thinker).  See you soon, little guy!


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