Lately mealtime with Colin has changed.  When he first started eating it didn't matter what I gave him - the kid would devour everything and anything.  He still eats a good variety, and healthy foods, so I'm not really complaining.  But he has a tendency to lose interest mid-meal.  You get to a certain point, and he'll open his mouth for the next bite, but after I put it in he'll wait a moment andthenspit it out, ejecting his tongue a la Gene Simmons to ensure that every insulting bit of the horrific nightmare is gone-gone-gone.

To ensure he eats anything I have to give him his own utensil, which he sometimes actually uses to feed himself.  But usually he prefers to dip it lightly into the food, then use it as a drumstick to play out a (preferably messy) tune on his highchair.  He has also developed the endearing habit of throwing his spoon (or dish if my reflexes are slow!) onto the floor.  Last night I offered him a sippy cup for a drink of milk and he literally threw it at me.  (Yes, dinner was over at that moment, and he was informed in no uncertain terms that his behavior was unacceptable, along with a stern glare from mom.  The episode resulted in tears, but I can't tolerate that kind of behavior.)

Well, tonight was a different story.  He ate a healthy portion of pasta with meat sauce (and cheese, of course!).  As an afterthought I offered him a bite of a cherry. 

Let me digress for a moment... Bing cherries are one of my utmost favorite fruits, and it is that magical  time of year when they are in season.  I tried to get Colin to taste them a few days back and he made a face like I was feeding him worms, then three hours later he demanded them by pointing and signing/saying "more" so I tried again.  That time he bit into it like an apple (yes, I was careful with the pit!) and seemed to enjoy the first couple of bites, but soon tired of dealing with the skin and lost interest.

Tonight, however... he ate cherry after cherry!  And when he saw me taking a tiny nibble (to remove the pit) he got semi-frantic each time, demanding the next bite while urgently shouting "NNNYYYYAAAAUUUUUHHH!!!!!!!"  It was almost funny - almost.  He so badly wanted the next bite to be his (and not for piggy-mommy) that he forgot his words and would just shout and point at the fruit.  I refused to give in, and kept saying "more?" and moving his hands in the sign for "more" to help him communicate without shouting.  At first he became more frantic, but if he made any effort at all to say or sing "more" I immediately gave him another bite.  In all I think he ate eight cherries, which may not sound like a lot, but he is still a little guy, so proportionately that is a lot of food!

Now, lest anyone think I was denying the boy fruit... rest assured.  He had just eaten a large serving of pasta, so I know he wasn't starving. I just had to make a point (early) that he won't get what he wants by shouting an whining.  And I continued doling out the cherries until he (miraculously) said/signed "done."  It was just amazing to see how badly he wanted those cherries all for himself! 

I really have just one thing to say about that:  The kid has good taste!!!


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