Virus, Rash, Run!
So over the past two weeks Colin has had a series of illnesses. It started two weeks ago when he spiked a high fever (103º). We got his temp down with a cool bath and Motrin, but the moment the Motrin started to wear off his temp would soar again. That lasted for three days, after which he had a lovely spotted rash for another couple of days. In speaking with our pediatrician I found out that this is a known virus called Roseola, and was common and nothing to worry about. The spots were going away and I thought we were in the clear.
Just one day after the Roseola cleared up poor Colin got another 103º fever. We controlled it again with cool baths (which Colin hated so much that he started to pee himself the moment I walked him into the bathroom in anticipated horror) and Motrin. Oh - did I mention that in the middle of all this I found out there was a giant recall on all brand-name infant meds? So poor H had to run out at 11PM to get us some store- brand ibuprofen.
On Monday I called the pediatrician again, since we were pretty worried about all these fevers. Plus Colin is a very skinny baby and during the whole process he lost his appetite and was refusing food. He would nurse, and drank plenty of water (thank God!) but the only actual food we could get into him was an occasional bite or two of yogurt. Needless to say, he lost some weight, and I was worried.
The doctor had us come in, and while Colin's temperature had returned to normal the poor kid had (ANOTHER) ear infection. The doctor said that she thought the high temperatures over the weekend were a second virus, completely unrelated to the Roseola. (Just bad luck and bad timing that he got them back to back.) There was also just a hint of a rash around his collar line, which the doctor warned me would likely spread. Apparently when little kids get a virus they spike a temperature, and then once they're past the contagious stage they often present with a rash. She warned me that the rash would likely spread on down before it went away.
I wasn't surprised when the rash had spread to Colin's torso at bath time that night, But that night the proverbial poop hit the fan. The poor kid was up, literally ALL night, howling, arching his back, and flopping around like a giant catfish. I think the family got about 2 hours of sleep that night. Maybe. By morning the rash was covering his entire body, and during the course of the day spread to his face. It looked terrible, but I kept reminding myself that the doctor said to expect this, and it would soon pass.
However after a second sleepless night, Colin's rash was even worse. Now it was looking a little raised, and the rash was turning a deeper angry-looking red color. He was just covered in a horrible bumpy-lumpy rash that looked like it was setting up house. So I called the doctor again, just to check in and see if this was still considered "normal." I guess not, because the doctor called me back at about 3:45PM and after we spoke asked if I could bring Coin in, immediately. I flew out of work, and zoomed over to the pediatrician's office for a checkup.
The good news was that Colin's ear infection had cleared. The bad news was that the antibiotic was apparently exacerbating the viral rash. (The doctor assured me that he was confident that this was a viral rash, and nothing more serious for us to worry about.) While a viral rash typically clears within a week, he wanted to take additional steps. So we stopped the antibiotics, I'm giving the little guy children's Benadryl, AND he's on a 5-day course of steroids. And if the rash doesn't clear (or show significant improvement) by Sunday we're going to need to see a dermatologist.
I can tell you that I'm pretty fed up with illness, ear infections, antibiotics, viruses, sleepless nights, and the rest of it. What I could really go for is an accidental outbreak of good health.
On Wednesday night, after his the steroid/benadryl nightcap, Colin slept like an angel. He awoke on Thursday and while the rash was undoubtedly still present, it was much better. And after a good night's sleep he seemed to be back to his cherry self - the wet-noodle cranky-miserable version of Colin was gone. HOORAY!
As a matter of fact, he felt so frisky that at school, on Thursday 05/13/10 (Grandpa Buzzy's birthday!) he stood up and, as his teachers watched from across the room, decided to walk about 4 feet to go play with a nubby red ball. On his own. With no prompting or provocation from anyone! He just did it 'cause he could! He apparently continued to do this throughout the day. WOO HOO!
Knowing Colin I expect that within a week the kid will have mastered the process and will be running around the house at high speed. I've been wanting to get more exercise anyway, so an endless game of chase-after-the-baby should be just what I was looking for!
Just one day after the Roseola cleared up poor Colin got another 103º fever. We controlled it again with cool baths (which Colin hated so much that he started to pee himself the moment I walked him into the bathroom in anticipated horror) and Motrin. Oh - did I mention that in the middle of all this I found out there was a giant recall on all brand-name infant meds? So poor H had to run out at 11PM to get us some store- brand ibuprofen.
On Monday I called the pediatrician again, since we were pretty worried about all these fevers. Plus Colin is a very skinny baby and during the whole process he lost his appetite and was refusing food. He would nurse, and drank plenty of water (thank God!) but the only actual food we could get into him was an occasional bite or two of yogurt. Needless to say, he lost some weight, and I was worried.
The doctor had us come in, and while Colin's temperature had returned to normal the poor kid had (ANOTHER) ear infection. The doctor said that she thought the high temperatures over the weekend were a second virus, completely unrelated to the Roseola. (Just bad luck and bad timing that he got them back to back.) There was also just a hint of a rash around his collar line, which the doctor warned me would likely spread. Apparently when little kids get a virus they spike a temperature, and then once they're past the contagious stage they often present with a rash. She warned me that the rash would likely spread on down before it went away.
I wasn't surprised when the rash had spread to Colin's torso at bath time that night, But that night the proverbial poop hit the fan. The poor kid was up, literally ALL night, howling, arching his back, and flopping around like a giant catfish. I think the family got about 2 hours of sleep that night. Maybe. By morning the rash was covering his entire body, and during the course of the day spread to his face. It looked terrible, but I kept reminding myself that the doctor said to expect this, and it would soon pass.
However after a second sleepless night, Colin's rash was even worse. Now it was looking a little raised, and the rash was turning a deeper angry-looking red color. He was just covered in a horrible bumpy-lumpy rash that looked like it was setting up house. So I called the doctor again, just to check in and see if this was still considered "normal." I guess not, because the doctor called me back at about 3:45PM and after we spoke asked if I could bring Coin in, immediately. I flew out of work, and zoomed over to the pediatrician's office for a checkup.
The good news was that Colin's ear infection had cleared. The bad news was that the antibiotic was apparently exacerbating the viral rash. (The doctor assured me that he was confident that this was a viral rash, and nothing more serious for us to worry about.) While a viral rash typically clears within a week, he wanted to take additional steps. So we stopped the antibiotics, I'm giving the little guy children's Benadryl, AND he's on a 5-day course of steroids. And if the rash doesn't clear (or show significant improvement) by Sunday we're going to need to see a dermatologist.
I can tell you that I'm pretty fed up with illness, ear infections, antibiotics, viruses, sleepless nights, and the rest of it. What I could really go for is an accidental outbreak of good health.
On Wednesday night, after his the steroid/benadryl nightcap, Colin slept like an angel. He awoke on Thursday and while the rash was undoubtedly still present, it was much better. And after a good night's sleep he seemed to be back to his cherry self - the wet-noodle cranky-miserable version of Colin was gone. HOORAY!
As a matter of fact, he felt so frisky that at school, on Thursday 05/13/10 (Grandpa Buzzy's birthday!) he stood up and, as his teachers watched from across the room, decided to walk about 4 feet to go play with a nubby red ball. On his own. With no prompting or provocation from anyone! He just did it 'cause he could! He apparently continued to do this throughout the day. WOO HOO!
Knowing Colin I expect that within a week the kid will have mastered the process and will be running around the house at high speed. I've been wanting to get more exercise anyway, so an endless game of chase-after-the-baby should be just what I was looking for!