Return of the Crab-Jamas

I guess I cursed myself.  Last night Colin was in his Crab-jamas, and sure enough... 4AM rolled around and the kid was howling.  I don't know if he's cutting another tooth, or he had a bad dream, or a gnome crept in and stuck him with a pin but that was one UNhappy baby last night.

Nursing consoled him but only temporarily - as soon as he stopped eating he started sobbing again.  The only way to get him to stop was for me to hold him and use the PJ Peralta walk-jiggle-sway.  Then, eventually, finally he dozed off in my arms.  I went to lie down (still holding Captain Crabs) but the moment the motion stopped the crying resumed.  I ended up rocking back and forth to keep him in motion, and while I couldn't exactly sleep like that at least I was horizontal.  Needless to say, I'm feeling a bit sleep deprived today.

And, while they are adorable on him, I think I'm glad that Colin has just about grown out of his Crab-jamas.  I'd dress him in ugly, ratty, and utterly boring clothes so we can all get some sleep, but somehow he'd find a grain of cute in there which would multiply exponentially until we were right back at Crab-jama Defcon 4.  So really... what's the point!?!


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