This morning I went to drop Colin off at before care and Mrs. Pish was at the door.  Apparently she was covering for someone who was out today.

She gave Colin a big hug, asked him how his morning was going, and then said, "So, do you have a snack today? Did you remember to pack one?"

I looked at her... "Colin has a snack EVERY day... but he's been coming home with food still in his lunchbox lately."

Mrs. Pish smiled and said, "Well, I guess Colin just likes my pretzles.  But my big container is empty now, so you'll have to eat your own snack."

Through the whole conversation Colin just hung his head a bit, quietly smiling and clearly uncomfortable.  He knew he was busted.  I've been giving him snacks every day, but they were applesauce, squeezies, etc. 



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