
Colin, my chatty son, won't stop talking... unless he's in front of a speech therapist, doctor, etc.  He especially loves greetings and in addition to the usual "Hello!" he has some other favorites:
  • When I go to pick him up from school instead of running over to me for a big hug (which he used to do!) he instead runs to the refrigerator and exclaims "bun-bah" (translation: lunchbox) as he retrieves his lunch box and cup.
  • In the morning if I bring him downstairs with me he'll shout "bye-bye Daddy" repeatedly to ensure that H knows where we are (or more specifically, where we aren't!).
  • Any time we leave the house he says goodbye to Sydney.  However he doesn't give her extra pets or a hug before we leave.  Instead he waits until we're in the car, pulling down the driveway, then he begins shouting "BYE Sydee!" and waving at the house.  He says goodbye to his father in the same way, waiting until we're in the car with the doors closed before he shouts his goodbyes.
  • Last night when H came in from work Colin was in the middle of eating his dinner and when Sydney began her (extremely loud) barky greeting Colin stopped mid-chew, gasped, then said "Daddeeeee!  Howwie!" using the two names interchangeably.
  • He has also been working on some fancier greetings such as "Good morning," as well as practicing his language skills by learning hello in multiple languages (Bon jour, Hola, Guten tag, Ciao, Aloha).  H's favorite (and mine) is his tiny "bon jour" - I swear he sounds like the stereotypical little French kid in a movie.  I'm considering buying him a beret if he keeps it up!
He's also developing anticipation.  Earlier this week when we pulled into the parking lot to pick Syd up from doggy daycare (don't laugh) he started chanting her name, and later as we drove into the development he began requesting "Nemo? Nemo? Nemo?" long before we got to the house.  Not only does he realize where we're going, but as we're driving he is thinking about what we're doing next.

I don't know what's next, but the endless stream of conversation isn't slowing, and it looks like my prediction is on target.  Long ago I proclaimed that by the time our child turned two he and his equally chatty father would take over all conversation in the house, and my tongue would eventually fall out from disuse since I'll never get a word in edgewise.  We're not there yet, but I think it is only a matter of time.


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