Solo Journey

I'm scheduled to take a trip back to Cleveland to visit with friends and family this coming weekend, and it will the longest time I've been away from the boys.  Three whole days.  That might not seem like much to many people, but I know I'm going to miss them terribly.

Hari is already ramping up for the bachelor's weekend.  There's a birthday party on Saturday afternoon, he's planning trips to the golf course and Chuck E Cheese... and I'm sure there will be late bedtimes, ice cream, and other boy-centric hedonism.  He has been talking this up with the boys for a while already, and I expect nothing less.

So it was an endearing surprise last night when, as I blew my nose for the 347th time in 2 minutes thanks to the massive cold/cough I currently have, Colin snuggled up next to me and quietly said, "Mommy, I'm so sorry that you have a cold and you can't go visit Auntie Laura, and Auntie Nora, and Grandpa Buzzy.  It is really too bad, but you have a cold so I'm sorry that you can't go."

My darling boy, in all his newly-turned 5-year-old maturity, was telling me in no uncertain terms that he was going to miss me.  I just love this kid to pieces!!!


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